Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Font

  • Rating: 7

Reviews and comments

    Tik Posted more than 21 years ago


    First and foremost, everyone asking for ‘colours’ knows nothing about fonts. Fonts don’t have colours, and the colours you see in Jazz2 are made in Jazz2. So if you lowered your rating for not having colours, then raise it up a bit.

    Alright, frankly I wasn’t impressed for a number of reasons:

    1.) These are not filled characters, just outlines of the characters. I can see why it would be tricky to do that any other way, but still.

    2.) Characters are missing. That’s an obvious one.

    3.) At smaller sizes, its not readable. Lots of special fonts are like that, though. However, at large sizes the characters are very…blocky.

    4.) The font is just outlines, which still isn’t so bad. However there are holes in the outlines. This may not seem like a totally bad thing, but when it comes to someone who photoshops or messed with fonts, using whatever, having holes in outlines can be very inconvenient. Especially for things like filling or with gradients.

    Despite these, all in all, it’s really not that bad for a first time. You could improve upon it in the future, if you wish. Though I may begin making a sort of Jazz2-font thing myself…

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    MoonBlazE Posted more than 21 years ago


    Just because something is new, such as the first Jazz Jackrabbit 2 font uploaded to Jazz2online, it doesn’t deserve a rating equal to something given to like, Agama or Disguise’s work. I really wonder how a J2O Addict, Danyjel, can have such a rank and review so horrible. Oh well.

    This font is not very good. I’m sorry, but it’s poorly copied and only looks okay in two font sizes (which are 14 and 16). I’d rather copy and paste the font from JJ2 than use this font. No matter how hard it is to make a font to you, it’s still horrible and looks like a joke compared to any other font. It’s like saying ‘I only have paint, so plz review my tileset 10 =((((“.

    Roger out.

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    Shiverz Posted more than 21 years ago


    I really like this font as I can now use it in my game :) It comes in very handy aswell for anyone else who is making a jazz fangame. Anyways it looks at bit horrible black and white but when it has colour added to it , its great. The only thing I dislike about this font is it doesn’t suit bigger font sizes and looks weird other than that I give it a seven

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    Darkshadow Posted more than 21 years ago


    Originally posted by MoonBlazE:
    Just because something is new, such as the first Jazz Jackrabbit 2 font uploaded to Jazz2online, it doesn’t deserve a rating equal to something given to like, Agama or Disguise’s work.

    Thats like saying, “I only use Google and MS Notepad. Please tell me my sneakers aren’t purple. ;(((”

    Well anyway, about the font, I think it is a pretty good font, but if it didn’t say ‘Jazz Jackrabbit 2’ at the top of the Font prevewer I would have never guessed that it had anything to do with JJ2. =P

    Well anyway, the wavy effects are pretty cool, and the font is nice anywy.

    ~DS[This review has been edited by DarkShadow]

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ok, first time reviewing a font, here goes:

    LAbrat Kid made a jj2 font, yay! As I installed it and tested it in microsoft word, I wasnt as pleased as I thought I would be. The font lacks color, but I dont mind that. Though most of the time it looks smudged and erased a bit, and its hard to read it. When this is used in 8 or 9 font, its practically impossible to read this. The chars are so small and look screwed up. 10 font is a bit better, but still looks too smudged/erased. Same with 11 font. 12 font looks a bit better. 14 font looks a lot better, I might actually use it sometime, same with 16 and 18 font. 20-28 looks a bit messy, but alright. 36 and over is just no. Plus, there are some other cons. The 0 looks a bit too similar to the O at times, so its hard to tell the difference frequently. Not all characters work, only the letters and numbers and some other things like colons and slashes. It would be nice if some things like quotations and parentheses (not the ones on the numpad, the ones to the right of the P on the qwerty keyboard) would be included, but I dont think jj2 had them in the first place (you could of tried to make your own and make them look similar, but oh well). Overall, a bit too many cons for a higher rating, but this font can look pretty good at times, and it’s nice to have a jj2 font in word. Original rating 6.5 but upgraded to a 7.2 for effort and for the fact that the author tried to do something new to help the community (and so not too ruin the rating of this). Despite that the rating may not be that high, you should still download this to at least check it out. Good Job and download reccomendation.

    ~Blackraptor. [This review has been edited by Blackraptor][This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

    Btw, the numerous edits are because I kept messing up when trying to explain what I meant in one of the sentences, and because I suck at spelling Qwerty.[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

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    snzspeed Posted more than 21 years ago


    Well.. i decided to review.

    first of all, this font is really small, and quite unreadable, which is very bad thing. i used this font in IRC like 45 seconds just for testing. its fun font, but quite small, and unreadable. ;P
    Well.. its quite nice anyway, so im going to rate this as 7.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Neo--> 21 Aug 2008, 08:11


    Hmmm…. Nice…..

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    bahidabe 10 Jun 2011, 05:07 (edited 10 Jun 11, 05:08)


    Great attempt, seeing as it is the only JJ2 font that I have heard about. Try it, you might find it to your taste.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Thomas 21 Mar 2018, 19:07


    Over all the font looks pretty neat, thou I question the dissension of making only an outline font.

    Especially since most modern programs have an outline function so it would be more useful to have the inside filled and one can just apply there own outline with what ever colors they wish.

    but it does look exactly like the in-game font.

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    Shinbo Posted more than 21 years ago


    I just LOVE the jj2 font. lovelovelovelovelove <3
    However, it looks kewl. Wonders. Go lrk.

    ERM, well, only problem on it, it misses chars. It is so wonderful on IRC!! When random people adversite to you can click certain words. It is so awesome.
    Is that enough? Because thats all I have to write.[This review has been edited by Shinbo]

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    DanYjel Posted more than 21 years ago


    Okay. Here is my review.
    This is first version of supercool font, font from JJ2. Now it’s second thing it’s last version of it… This is first thing of this type at Jazz2online, like everything by Labratkid, which always put here some innovation. I think without Lab Jazz2 has no future.
    We must admit, quality of this is very, very bad. It’s because fonts can display only two colors, say everybody, but it’s not only because of this. Quality is not non-good, it’s normally bad. Lot of characters are missing, no more than normal Jazz2 font. Less than Jazz2 font. Jazz2 font had colors too… This font is maybe unusable. But making of font is not easy… Theory was easy, make font… But Lab is first who realized it. Nobody wanted that worked, even though he knew lot of people will download it, but they were lazy. Including me. I must to give you points for realizing of so easy idea. Download it anyway! Support innovation!
    [This review has been edited by Danyjel]

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    BlackRabite 7 Dec 2004, 07:08


    First review in…
    count fingers
    a long time.

    Anyway, this font does in fact look a lot like the b&w lettering in JJ2. The only complain that I have is that it has a few holes here and there. Still, it’s fairly legible, and fun to use, though if my opinion deters you, read somebody else’s.

    Edit: Since a lot of characters are missing, I’m bringing the rating down to 8.2

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    Lark Posted more than 21 years ago

    What version of Windows do you have, Cooba?

    For some reason I think Moonblaze hates me =P[This review has been edited by labratkid]

    Ðx Posted more than 21 years ago

    its grea but i have windows XP.
    so i cant start i think but nice going.
    every letter :P but i give a 10 when it has colours to.

    (Borderline unsupported rating removal. Please provide a few more details. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    NOKA Posted more than 21 years ago

    That is nice that someone did jj font, but this font isn’t really good to have rating more than 9 or even to have a Tip. Font is quit good to a size 20 maximum, letters which uses this font with size bigger than 20 looks ugly – I can see the big pixels – if you really wanted to do a good jj font you should draw it big by your own using exactelly the same shape as jj font (this is only my opinion)

    I won’t rate it , but if I would rate it, then the average rating would be a bit lower than it is now.


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    Bad_Bunny 19 Dec 2005, 16:21

    I have a Mac, and this font works. :)

    seossand Posted more than 21 years ago