First and foremost, everyone asking for ‘colours’ knows nothing about fonts. Fonts don’t have colours, and the colours you see in Jazz2 are made in Jazz2. So if you lowered your rating for not having colours, then raise it up a bit.
Alright, frankly I wasn’t impressed for a number of reasons:
1.) These are not filled characters, just outlines of the characters. I can see why it would be tricky to do that any other way, but still.
2.) Characters are missing. That’s an obvious one.
3.) At smaller sizes, its not readable. Lots of special fonts are like that, though. However, at large sizes the characters are very…blocky.
4.) The font is just outlines, which still isn’t so bad. However there are holes in the outlines. This may not seem like a totally bad thing, but when it comes to someone who photoshops or messed with fonts, using whatever, having holes in outlines can be very inconvenient. Especially for things like filling or with gradients.
Despite these, all in all, it’s really not that bad for a first time. You could improve upon it in the future, if you wish. Though I may begin making a sort of Jazz2-font thing myself…