Ok, I am the first reviewer I think.
First impressions: This is a level by Satan[si], and it is his first CTF level. Let’s review it, shall we?
Gameplay: Good. The gameplay is good, but it’s nothing special. There are some springs and one ways, also some vines which is good enough to make the gameplay average. The level is almost symmetrical, but some places were a bit different.
Eye Candy: Good/Very Good. The eye candy is nice, there are maybe some places that lack alot of eye candy, but I can say I like the eye candy here.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. This is also nice, there was good ammo placed in small groups. That’s quite nice, I think. There are 3 Power-Ups, and I think they are nice placed. The RF PU is in the center, with a Full Energy above it. The Bouncy PU is at the left side, and there is a Toaster PU at the right side. This is quite nice. There is enough ammo in the level, so it is nice.
Host this: sometimes.
Download: sure.
My rating is a 7.5. Good work, Satan, and it’s a nice first CTF level.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Hmm I like it!
Is’t bad! i like it
some woter and the bases on
woter ( eva dont get wet :P )
Anyway good.
Not bad placed. only the RF is in the middel, i dont care :P
Not bad
Size is small but i wont take
points of it :P
The gameplay is’t bad the music fits good anyway!
Host this: Yes
Download reccomed; yes
A 7.7
Level: Stimky Flag
By: Satan
Quite good. You used the correct tiles and good background/foreground layers. Correct, except the one-way sewers that are frustrating (you can’t buttstomp them)
Good placement, no seeker powerup, quite good. Ammo is placed good, not too much, not too less. Enough powerups.
Reasonable. The base placement looks like Zaitox, except the fact that you cant see the bases in one view. Bases are underground, and you have to get upperground to get to them. Quite original.
Reasonable/good. Sometimes a little bit frustrating, if you go next to a wall you might stick to it. Advice: Sta in air. Also some important passages you can’t see.
Score: 7.2
Download: Yes
Host: A few times, maybe a good new CTF level.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Well, the name is… something else…
The balance is mostly good from what I can tell. The flow isn’t bad, but it’s not too Jazz-friendly. I can’t say I like the overall layout, though. The gameplay seems too basic, and I wouldn’t use the top half of this level too often because of where the start positions are located. The borders around the level could be a little thicker as well.
It’s pretty much typical Colonius eye candy. Nothing new, although nothing horrible either. The masking should have been checked, but otherwise the eye candy is average.
The full energy carrot and the RF powerup are placed near the bottom where the bases are. Not placing both of those so close to the fastest base route would be better in that it would reduce some of the chaos of this level. The other powerups placed on opposing sides are fine. Ammo placement is decent, despite the cluster of ammo above the carrot. It seems to be too much variety in one spot.
Maybe once if bored. I don’t like this level enough to give it anything higher, so 6.7 it is.
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]