2 Sea CTF,s

  • Rating: 2.5

Reviews and comments

    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    I almost didn’t notice these levels. The gametype should be changed from Assault to CTF for the sake of being less confusing.

    The sea Base

    GAMEPLAY: Unbalanced. Passageways are too long and narrow. Borders are needed to prevent the flag bug. Destruct/Buttstomp scenary placed poorly.
    EYE CANDY: Rather dull. Only light gray and dark gray blocks. Pretty bad, despite the fact no standard was set.
    CARROT PLACEMENT: Not too good. Too close to blue base.
    AMMO PLACEMENT: Not good at all. Only ammo in crates and a barrel. Needs better distribution.
    HOST THIS OFTEN? Not even once.

    Warter CTF

    GAMEPLAY: No balance and too narrow passageways. Freeze Enemies events which only get in the way. Unnecessary shield and 1up crate. Borders are needed to prevent the flag bug.
    EYE CANDY: Misused. Doesn’t look good at all.
    CARROT PLACEMENT: Apparently no carrot. Not a good idea.
    AMMO PLACEMENT: Could use fewer crates and more loose ammo. Distribution needs work. Powerup placement is horrendous.
    HOST THIS OFTEN? Once again, no. It’s slightly better than the other level, but that’s not saying much.

    Overall review: The layouts in both of these levels need major improvement. Something a lot more open and easy to get around would be a start. Avoid hidden and ambiguous routes as much as possible. A border around the level of at least 2 or 3 tiles should be used to prevent the flag bug (” captured the flag” messages which repeat on the screen). Destruct scenary and buttstomp scenary isn’t needed since it only slows down gameplay. The events should be set to respawn at a speed of at least 20 instead of just 0. Try using more of the tileset next time. A few more background layers should have been used. I suggest placing a full energy carrot in the center of the level instead of using +1 carrots. And always use a carrot. Instead of using crates, try using only a variety of loose ammo placed throughout the entire level. Look at some high-rated CTF levels and see how they are made. And maybe read this review. I’m not going to list anything else until the basic problems are resolved. My suggestion would be to work on battle levels before moving on to CTF, though. This is a 2.5, only because these levels are playable, although barely, and it doesn’t have any major problems with start positions, which surprised me.

    By the way, Warter CTF doesn’t loop to anything; fix it. And find a beta tester next time to save me the trouble of writing a long review again.

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