Ok, here comes a review.
First impressions: A level by Ðx.
Gameplay: Good. The gameplay is nothing special, there is a huge dead end at the bottom-right. There are more dead ends in this level, too. The spring placement seems good, but nothing really special. I dont like the gameplay that much, like I said. There are some hidden things that are made hidden by the waterfalls that are annoying imo. But, that seems original with this tileset. The tileset is overused, too.
Conclusion gameplay: Good, but nothing special.
Eye candy/Tileset use: Good/Very Good. The eye candy here is very nice, but I think it’s overused a lot. Like I said, that waterfalls are very annoying but also very original. Dx used this in another level of him, a SP. The tileset use is very good imo. There is a nice use of plants, pumpkins, carrots, trees and all other things that are in the carrotus tileset.
Conclusion eye candy: Very nice, but overused and annoying with the waterfalls.
Pickup placement: Good. Again, not the best, but it’s decent. I will explain. There isn’t too many ammo in some places of this level. There was alot of ammo in some places, but alot less in others. The groups of ammo were not too original, because there was mostly 3×3 or 3×2 ammo. One group of gun9 looked interesting, though. There are way too many Power-Ups here, there is Bouncer, Ice, Toaster, Seeker, RF and Gun8 I think. That means only no Gun9 and Blaster PU. You already knew proably, but this level is too small for that many PU. Like 3 or 4 would be better. There is also alot of Fast Fire, probably too many. There are also extra lives at the start, and Dx told me that he used them for the fun.
Conclusion pickup placement: Not too good this time.
Originality: Good/Very Good. This is quite original. the tileset is used too many, but the music is only used one time I think. And that was for Dx’s SP level Wasted Time(not Times) That waterfalls looked original, like I said, but it was also very annoying. Also, the background looked interesting. It was looking light in the night.
Conclusion originality: An original level.
Host this: well, not too often, maybe if you are bored.
Download this: Sure, but not a real recommendation.
Final Rating: 7.2.
- DarkSonic of XSD and CC -
P.S. Ðx: I said that this is Battle and Wasted Time is Single Player, you understand?[This review has been edited by da man]