Stinking Sewer CTF

  • Rating: 7.9

Reviews and comments

    SkulL Posted more than 21 years ago


    Stinkin sewer…
    This level has nice tileset and nice eyecandy the level is good.

    Eye candy.
    Eye candy is good and pretty.
    Tileset use.
    The tilset use is very nice I wouldn`t use the tileset better then that.
    The game play is very good for 1vs1 Since the size is small.
    Ammo placement is very nice and it`s hiding good enough.
    Tileset use: 8.5

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    DarkSonic Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ok, here comes my review.
    First impressions: One of NiQ’s many levels.
    Gameplay: Good/Very Good. This level has a nice gameplay, there are alot of sucker tubes that help you get up. Also, there is alot of one way. The layout is nice, too. There are almost no springs here, which makes it quite original, too. This tileset isn’t used alot, too. Back to the gameplay, there is also some float up in some places. The level is also again symmetrical, and has good balance then too. The flow is good again, too.
    Conclusion gameplay:
    Pros: Nice gameplay, alot of one way, float ups and sucker tubes. A nice layout and flow, too.
    Cons: A few springs, which are faster.
    Eye candy/Tileset use: Good/Very Good. There is nice eye candy here, the tileset is quite small, but the tileset is used nice here. That there are alot of tubes, makes the eye candy nice, too. There is a nice layer use, too. There is lots of stuff in layer 3 and 5, and I like it. The only con is probably that the level is quite small, and the tileset is too small too.
    Conclusion eye cnady/tileset use
    Pros: Nice eye candy, lots of stuff in layer 3 and 5.
    Cons: The tileset is small, a bigger tileset would be better. The level could be bigger too.
    Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. This seems nice too, there is nice ammo placement. Although, there could be more bouncers and there is no RF ammo. There is a RF PU, which makes it probably worse. If there was RF ammo too, it would be much better. There are again two power-ups with one at each side, and they are hidden for the most part of them. It’s not a really good idea to make them hidden, but this time, you get them not with Gun 9, but with TNT. There is a Toaster PU at the left side with again a Bouncy PU at the right side. The last level of NiQ had that too, and it seems overused now. The RF PU is in the centre of the level(I think). There is a full energy, placed at the bottom-centre of the level. There are again boring groups of ammo, like 6 × 2 or 5 × 2. It doesn’t really matter, but other groups would look more fun. There is TNT near the bases too, and I don’t know where they are used for. Also, there is no fast fire, but it doesn’t really matter too.
    Conclusion placement
    Pros: Nice ammo placement.
    Cons: Boring groups of ammo, PU placement is not too original.
    Originality: Good/Very Good. This is a quite original level, like I said, the PU Placement is not too original, but the idea to use more tubes than springs is. The base placement isn’t too original too, it’s easy to get to them. The tileset use is original, though. I don’t like this tileset that much, but I don’t know what to say about it. I never saw the music file or heard it, so that’s a good job.
    Conclusion originality
    Pros: Nice music choice and tileset choice. Nice idea to use more tubes than springs.
    Cons: Pu placement is unoriginal.
    Fun Factor: This level is quite fun to play I think. The base placement seems not too special, but that tube that leads you to the RF PU makes it more fun. Because, if you start a duel, your opponent and you always go for that PU. And the fun in it is that if you are faster then he/she at it, you have more chances to win.
    Conclusion fun factor: Quite fun level.
    Host this: Yes, but not if you don’t know it.
    Download: Yes.
    Final rating: 7.7.
    Download this: Sure.
    - DarkSonic of XSD, CC and XLM. -[This review has been edited by da man]

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    Ðx Posted more than 21 years ago


    Y0 good level again snooz! ( i mean NiQ )


    I liked it, some walls and the sucker tubs ( fourground :P ) the Green
    thinks on layer 6 or 7 ar good anyway!

    Goodies/other/ammo :p

    Good placed nice battle ( ctf :P )
    anyway that RF is good placed


    Yep host this everytime you want

    Download it: Yes

    Host this: Yes

    here a 8.0 :D


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    Sacrush Posted more than 21 years ago


    Hey Snooz a.k.a Niq here is my review.
    Btw i know i have bad grammar.

    Great!!! I love it all the layers are used except layer 1. First of all i like the background a lot i see jail windows and pipes and moving ladders what looks cool and ass R3ptile said it is origenal. Layer 5 is used for other eyecandy stuff like green pipes and more. But there is a lot more layer 4 is really well used and there are a lot of eyecandy stuff there to like windows what looks like jail things and paper with words on it and different tiles used in the ground and and and i love it.
    In layer 3 there are the basic things hiding you in a secret and the suckertubes good. Aslo layer 2 is used like water and green vences and some small details good. In the level there are no tilesbugs at all. I also like the level because this tileset isn`t much used so the level has a specail looks like other levels doesn`t have. Well i don`t know more to say sorry about that.

    Great!!! The ammo placement is great there are mutiple ammo`s and all placed where it should be i found no places where was ammo and where it doesn`t fit. There are small and big groups of ammo that`s good but there could also be groups with 2 kinds or more kinds of ammo except only 1 kind of ammo but still that doesn`t really matter. There are also 3 powerups in the level one in the center the RF pu and 2 on each site of the level. On the left there is a Toaster and on the right a Bouncer powerup. To get those left and right powerups you need to use TNT that`s good . The springs are also really well placed and get me where i wanted i din`t banged against a wall like some levels have. Then there is also a Full energy what is very well placed. For both of the bases it`s easy to get the Full energy. There is nohing more to tell about i think.

    Perfect!!! I like the gameplay a lot of this level and i will tell you why. First of all the level is really fair because it`s each site is the same only turned. And because each site has the same ammo and both a powerup there is nothing to complain about. Also a good point is that there are no dead ends. I mostly like the suckertubes in this level because you can go to places very fast without needing to go all to the other site or so. Although the suckertubes are well placed at the start it confused me wich way they go but still great. With all those suckertubes there are much ways to go to the base or anywhere else of the level good. Also good is that you can easely run here without stopping or really losing a lot of speed. There is so much ways where you can walk that`s so good. Also the start pos are good and the flags are well placed. There is also a one way and that`s also good.

    Good!!! The level size is good and the music fits in the level and i also think that the level is origenal.

    conclusion: A must have if you like CTF levels and host this many times. This is a €8.0€

    -SáTÁñ[This review has been edited by Satan]

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago


    Meh, might as well review it.

    Gameplay/Layout: Interesting. It uses mostly sucker tubes, barely any springs. Original, but confusing at times. 94,21, and 3,21, could be a floatup or something there, since I run into the wall and have to jump to get in the sucker tube. Layout feels a bit smallish and at times, crowded. The level could’ve possibly have been larger. Other than that it’s alright.
    Pros: Fairly good gameplay, original, interesting layout.
    Cons: A bit too crowded, needs a floatup or a ramp at the two positions I mentioned.
    Rating: 8

    Eyecandy: Its pretty much rux. Better than what I did with this tileset nearly a year ago. There’s a bug on one of the green pipe things in the bg (a peice of the pipe is floating midair just below the actual thing), a small bug which could’ve easily been fixed, but probably wasn’t notice. You could just fix it and reupload the level if you want, since it sorta brings down the eyecandy mark a bit. Other than that, I love the eyecandy here.
    Pros: Pretty good eyecandy, considering what can be done with the tileset.
    Cons: The minor bg thing, some parts could of been a bit better.
    Rating: 8.5

    Placement of Stuff: Bases are placed on opposite sides of the level, one carrot in the middle (full energy) and 3 powerups (RF, Toast and Bouncy). The RF is above the full energy, and the toast and bouncy are in seperate sides in the wall, reachable by either bouncer or the TNT placed under the bases. The powerups aren’t noticable much unless you have the time to leisurely walk through the whole level and look for them (which I doubt you will in the middle of a duel), but once you know where they are, you shouldnt have a problem. Also, while its interesting that TNT plays a part in this level, electroblasters are stronger than TNT and could’ve been used instead, but TNT probably fits better in this level anyways (since its fairly small and has a lot of suckers etc, EB might be a bit too evil). Placement is generally ok
    Pros: Pretty much alright
    Cons: None that affect the rating greately.
    Rating: 8.6

    Overall (not an average): A decent level some bugs which could easily be fixed in less than 1 minute, and nothing really bad or major. I’d prolly play this some time. Good Job
    Pros: A decent level with great eyecandy (considering the tileset it uses), good placement and a spiffy layout.
    Cons: Has some small bugs which bring it down a tad bit.
    Rating: 8.2

    Final Rating: 8.325, rounded down to an 8.2. Spiffy level, Good Job and a download reccomendation.

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    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    Interesting choice of tileset.


    It certainly was not what I was expecting, and that’s not necessarily a good thing. The gameplay seems to focus on a lot sucker tubes and narrow passageways throughout the level. I never really liked either, especially the narrow passageways, but it’s not as bad as it gets here. I can get around easily enough, but I think camping may become too much of an issue. I can see myself getting frustrated with the tubes. But there are a few things (well, maybe just one thing) about this level that I really like (e.g. the bases can be shot at from below with powered-up bouncers). Anyway, the layout is a tad different, but I don’t like it as much as I could.


    While the eye candy here isn’t bad, the tileset choice isn’t that great. It’s not exactly easy to make really good eye candy with this set, but it does come close. It’s a little innovative in places although distracting in others, such as with the aqua green tiles in the background. Overall, it’s nothing extraordinarily special, so it’s just slightly above average.


    The full energy carrot at the bottom middle is placed well enough as it is. Same goes with the ammo, but the RF powerup is questionable. What I liked a bit was that the toaster and bouncer powerups are easiest accessed with the hidden TNT. It looks like one of the most useful methods of using TNT I’ve ever seen.


    Maybe like once for a duel, although I personally wouldn’t want a duel here. Something bigger and more open would have been more enjoyable. 7.7 is what I think of this level.

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    Niels aka ChippieBW Posted more than 21 years ago


    Let’s see this level:

    Mmmm. I don’t really like this eyecandy here, but it’s not really the fault of NiQ. He did the best thing with it what is possible, but the tileset SUCKS in my opinion. It’s far too bright, and the background hurts my eyes when I play the level too long. Also, there is o floor placed beneath the bases, but it looks like. I don’t like it when a base doesn’t stand on vast floor. For the rest the eyecandy is decent, not much wrong.

    Actually not bad. It’s an original idea indeed to let the TNT do the explode things near the powerups, it’s something else then the usual EB. In total, the eyecandy is decent.

    Maybe this is where the real problems lie. The level is a little bit claustrophobic, with narrow corridors and a lot of sucker tubes. The makes the level a bit boring, and it lets the player more watch then play. Maybe make the level more open next time.

    I didn’t really liked the level when I played it, maybe because the annoying background is hurting my eyes, I don’t really like the sucker tube use and the music. However, the is a certain feeling when you play this level, a felling of sewers… the flavour is good.

    For some reasons I can’t give this level higher then a 7.5, maybe because there a a lot of things I don’t like about it. However, the level is innovating in some ways, like the TNT PU destruction, I’ve never seen that before. Maybe some more space next time?

    Score: 7.5
    Download: Yes.
    Host: Yes, maybe a few times or so.

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    WaterRabbit Posted more than 21 years ago

    Wow! This is a really good level. It is very big. The weapon placement is really good. I think this should be hosted a lot. Everyone should download this.

    ~ Bloodrabbit (Unsupported rating removal edit. I might add this level is really quite small. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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