Capture the sun

  • Rating: 2.5

Reviews and comments

    American Posted more than 21 years ago


    “Good level” is pushing the envelope here, unfortunately. I simply do not like this level. For a first level, it is not bad, but you seriously need to spend much more time on your levels and the testing of them if you want to get any rating above this one.

    “Capture the Sun” is a simple Capture the Flag level using mirrow’s “McKinley” tileset. It is rather useless that it uses a custom tileset at all, as it makes little use of it. The ground is the only thing here. It is the standard reddish-orange “McKinley” ground without any eyecandy. In fact, this level entirely lacks any eyecandy whatsoever. This is not acceptable; any level with good time spent on it should at least make an attempt with eyecandy inclusion.

    The gameplay is just as utilitiarian as the eyecandy is. The player runs back from one end of the level to the other with the flag. Although they do have to use the springs this level provides, the path from one end of the level to the other is simplistic to the point where there is no use in strategizing. There is only one possible useful path to take.

    The ammo in this level is limited to a few basic seeker weapons near the bases. These provide a small increase in play quality, but not enough for anyone to possibly notice. Simply put, this level is not good enough to go in deep about uses for the weapons within it.

    This level would be less distressing if it was not so obvious that there was little effort put into it. This is the sort of level that can easily be created in five minutes. I’d rather see, and perhaps give higher ratings for, attempts at eyecandy, even if they hurt the level. Part of what I look for is some sign of effort from the level maker to demonstrate that they can, in fact, use JCS in a competent manner. It is not that I doubt that the author here is capable of it, but rather that there is no sign that the author wants me to know that he is.

    This level needs to be bigger, much bigger, and better, also. It is a good starting attempt, but you need to work, work, work in order to make truly good levels. I don’t mean to insult you as a level maker or anything; it’s good that this is obviously not your best effort. Just keep at it and spend more time with JCS before making a level (and spend more time at that, too) and you should see a better rating. Even then, it probably won’t be perfect (it will take time), but at least it will show effort and be a commendable try. The best progress can only be made through toil.

    FINAL RATING: 1.9 (2.0)

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    Lulu Posted more than 21 years ago


    good,lvl but a little boring…

    eyecandy: make it more intresting,people will almost fall asleep.
    nothing to worry about.

    Gameplay: bad but not to much.
    make lvl bigger so you can fall or something like that.

    Events: more carrots.Some Gems for the fun.

    Fun: its quiet boring,like i said already make lvl bigger.

    I Rate 4.2

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    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    “Nice” and “small” don’t really go together.


    First and foremost, the start positions need work. Use Multiplayer Level Start events for each team instead (0 for blue, 1 for red). The flow is the worst I’ve seen in a while; the layout is mostly a bunch of poorly placed platforms. It’s easier for Spaz players to get around than Jazz players. More springs would help a lot. I advise looking at some good CTF levels and seeing how easy it is to get around. The balance isn’t particularly bad, but the level is simplistic and ordinary and extremely dull. The level needs a border of at least 2-3 tiles to prevent the flag bug (” captured the flag” messages which repeat on the screen).


    Granted I’ve only seen one other level with this set, the eye candy is atrocious. Apparently only 2 layers were used. It might have been a little better if all of the platforms used all of the proper edge tiles. More layers should have been used.


    I couldn’t find the warp (or whatever method I’m suppose to use) to the full energy carrot. There are no powerups, so I have nothing to say about that except maybe add a few next time. Ammo placement is only the seekers near red base and the 3 crates I can’t access. My advice would be to add ammo throughout the entire level instead of just two places.


    Never. I cannot possibly describe how much work this needs. I suggest working on battle levels before taking on making CTF levels. 2.2 is my (semi-generous) rating. This needs a next level setting as well. And try getting a beta tester next time.

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    DarkSonic Posted more than 21 years ago


    Time for a review.
    First impressions: Wow, this level seems to be the worst CTF level in Blur’s opinion. And I will find out if it’s really the worst CTF level. Here I go.
    Gameplay: Bad. The gameplay is really bad here. The level is so small and there are only some platforms, but there are also things with bases. At least, the level has springs, but I don’t like the placement of them. What was in this level, reminds me of DW. The level has no border around the level, and you know what happens if you don’t have. Yes, the flag bug comes if there is no border around the level. Always put borders around your levels.
    Conclusion gameplay:
    Pros: Level has springs and platforms
    Cons: Everythin’ else.
    Eye candy/Tileset use: Very bad. This is horrible, no eye candy here. Only a background and layer 4. I can say the tileset is very misused, and I dislike it.
    Conclusion eye candy
    Pros: There is layer 8.
    Cons: Everythin’ else again.
    Pickup placement: Bad. This level has ammo, and there is a full energy too, but the bad is, that you can;t get it! That’s a very bad thing here. There is at least ammo, but too less. Add more ammo and types and it will probably be okay or something around that. There are no power-ups too, like blur said, you should add 1 or 2 in a level with this size.
    Conclusion Pickup placement
    Pros: There is ammo.
    Cons: No full energy that you can get, too less ammo, no power-ups, nothing else.
    Originality: Bad/Okay. This is where the level is the best in. This level is the worst CTF level, so that’s original(jk). But, this tileset is probably used only one time before, that’s also the only good thing of it. The level looked alot like DW, too.
    Conclusion originality
    Pros: The tileset is used only one time before(that I know)
    Cons: Level looked like DW in some places, and everythin’ else again.
    Fun Factor: This level is not fun to play in. There is a boring straight way to the base, there is too many space, the layout is bad, too. The level is almost symmetrical, I forgot to say in the gameplay section. The level is also impossible to get around fast, I also forgot in the gameplay section.
    Conclusion fun factor
    Pros: Nothing.
    Cons: Everything.
    Others: This level looked horrible, and I prefer that you don’t download or host it.
    Final Rating…. 2.2.
    - DarkSonic of XSD and CC -.
    P.S: A border is that you put tiles around the level so there is not a flag bug. I can’t really explain it.[This review has been edited by da man]

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    snzspeed Posted more than 21 years ago


    CTF review number 1 : Capture the sun by masterrokusho

    First Impressions:
    Very well. its little bit too small for a CTF level in my opinion, and you could use another tiles in this tileset too, because this tileset ( McKinley, by mirrow ) offers you much more tiles than orange ground. in my opinion, tileset was misused. balance and ammo placement was fine, but it still could be better. now, lets me continue with my review.

    well.. one word: boring. you used some ground tiles, nothing else. there is no good eyecandy at all. only ground tiles, which is a bad thing.. it makes this level look dull. use more eyecandy tiles in future.
    Pros:atleast there is ground.
    Cons:everything else.

    Tileset Use:
    Heh.. like i mentioned in first section tileset was horribly misused, since tileset offers much more tiles to use than ground tiles.. i don’t like tileset use at all, because it looks dull. No more comments.
    Pros:At least you used ground tiles correctly.
    Cons:Everything. ;P
    Rating: 1.5

    Could be better. there is some platforms, which makes the gameplay little bit less linear in my opinion, but this level is still horrible, no matter what.. and base placement is bad too, because there is dead end next to them. ( i hope i spelled that word right )
    Pros:Some platforms.
    Cons:linear gameplay no matter what..

    Weapon Placement:
    Poor.. i don’t like ammo placement at all. just some seekers near bases.. there should be more ammo and 4-2 powerups.. ammo/PU’s are needed if you want to make good CTF levels. no more comments.
    Pros:some seekers..
    Cons:there’s not enough ammo or powerups

    Poor level. could use more ammo and powerups.. and eyecandy too. no download recommedation this time, sorry. this is a 2.

    Rank: poor level
    Download recommedation:no.

    EDIT 1: i forget to add rating. sorry.[This review has been edited by NiQ]

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    master sven Posted more than 21 years ago

    wat is a border?