Rabbit Wars

  • Rating: 6.5

Reviews and comments

    American Posted more than 21 years ago


    I do not have much time, so I’m afraid this will have to be a fairly brief review.

    What we have here is a fairly standard Games Factory shoot ‘em up game, which doesn’t even have a changed title bar header. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to make a decently fun game with this program, but this is certainly not the one. Everything about this game, sadly, screams “meidocre.” Despite the somewhat odd claims in the author’s description which I will not contest beyond saying that they represent some inaccuracies (even though the author could obviously beat me; inanimate objects can beat me), I really did want to like this game.

    The game puts you on some unknown island-lair thing where you simply run around blowing up turtles with your gun. Each reload of the gun supplies 100 bullets.

    The problem here is not conserving ammo but avoiding getting hit. It is a good thing that there are so many enemies, because they are as dumb as dirt. Instead of programming a capable AI, the author instead elected to simply create many of them. And by many, I mean too many. At times in the game, there are few enough enemies to make it easy. However, at other points, enemies are generated so quickly, it is impossible to fend them all off.

    You can shoot the bases that they generate from, but that is pretty useless. There still will be too many. Putting a cap on the number around twenty would have been nice. Unfortunately, I was able to get more than fifty at a time.

    One of the other gripes I have with this game is that you can never easily tell when an enemy is attacking. It is common that you can simply pass a turtle enemy and it will just completely ignore you. However, sometimes, it will attack you. Being attacked is instant death in this game.

    Another gripe is the storyline. The “Xan” character is never fully explained, and one must wonder why anyone named “Xan” would name their child “Devan.” You’d expect that Devan’s father would be named Frank or something. However, the lack of character development is a more important manner than naming. There is no real reason that the turtles want to enslave the rabbits or any contraption they are making. It seems they are simply being bloodthirsty. Possible, I guess, but if everything was good if it was possible, we’d have sitcoms about actuaries.

    The storyline section also features a good number of grammatical errors and repeats itself a number of times. The general idea of this game seems to involve an excess amount of blood, which seems weird in a Jazz game.

    The music is bothersome, as well. The weird MIDI Nirvana intro music seems more suited for a B-grade mafioso movie than a game about rabbits. The rest of the music is fairly obnoxious and highly generic rock-metal. I’d rather have quieter, more game-y music in my games.

    So, what can be do to improve this? I’m afraid I doubt you’ll see very high of a rating with this program. The graphics are decent, but the storyline really needs work. Tone down the enemies, and add more puzzles, and that should do away with some of the monotony of the game. It is a commendable effort, but it just doesn’t gel.

    FINAL RATING: 3.9 (4.0)

    Reply to author: The warp machines cannot all be destroyed at once. Even if they could be, they still produce too many enemies and this game is too reliant on action and not on strategy.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    mirrow Posted more than 21 years ago


    The graphics suck
    The animations suck
    There are spelling mistakes
    there are too much from the same enemies just doing the same
    Not much changes between the Lvls
    WHICH I COMPLETLY LOVE GUYS THIS is just oldschool and rules

    Or better rating
    The graphics are animated with 3 !!! cooool frames so it lets the rabbit seem to walk !! WOWFX!!
    also the landscape in the level is well chosen with its GREEN background which lets it all play grass which is in my opinion again a excellent chose it seems more realistic. The idea that you have to collect ammo and have only a few lifes makes the level harder and also more realistic you almost think you are the bunny the lifes graphics are real Jazzjackrabbit graphics I first thought it would be a real Epic game!! The gameplay is amazing the levels are like a maze and you have an easy and obvious view over the level which makes it easy to move arround.And again a masterpiece of the creator is the placement of the enemies. the don’t move just to the right ,left,up,or,down NO it almost seems as if they have their own AI !!! RESPECT nice done!

    I am really impressed by the this first good JJ2 RPG!!!

    Besides the Storyline is a new idea where you have a new character introduced XAN (i think i even know him)
    and get 49 of 50 Points because of the spelling mistakes..


    Man I love this :p and you finally build that game and realeased it.. does it mean you are now active again ? :p

    HAHA this game rules oldschool.
    It was so obvious that you would make it like this just 10000 enemies you can shoot :p

    *Don’t edit this review i gave valid reasons..!!!
    (You.. eh… supported the wrong rating. So this is.. uhhh… being removed. Yeah. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

    What the heck is this if i can’t commit my own opinion ??? Or does everyone has to think what the “masters” do ?? ,.. sorry this is reviewing if i ve got a different taste !!!

    I think this has style even though it has the bad things i named.
    I gave this a 9!!


    (Content clearance/Rating removal. You are approaching reinitialization of offense level. I cannot see how with all those negatives you arrive at 9. If you want to keep this rating, you will need to provide a much longer review to support it. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]OK OK There you go [This review has been edited by mirrow]
    (I kind of vote we keep this. I mean, I’d probably let it go normally. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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    Acid Psy Posted more than 21 years ago

    this is Canda Dum… no very Dum.. you move to slow and if you run out of ammo .. you are dead to mana BAD GUYS need better Jazz and Tutle Skins.. soo next time when you make some jhting with game Fatry work on the Spates more ! ! ! ! !

    (Unsupported rating removal. Original rating was 4. Please provide a more detailed review. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    Predator Posted more than 21 years ago

    Jeez. I didnt expected any bad reviews.
    I hope other ppl. like me game. ;)

    If you dont want to many enemies, simply destroy the warpmachines.

    The graphic’s are simple. but not bad (=in my opinion :P)[This review has been edited by Predator]

    Stilettø Posted more than 21 years ago

    hehe predator!http://www.jazz2online.com/jdcOLD/

    look there is proof that i beated you :|

    funny game.. poor graphics.. also a bit too hard.. way too many enemies :P but funny for a while

    (Unsupported rating removal. Please provide a more detailed review. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    JSZ Spaz Posted more than 21 years ago

    OMG!!!!! This is not to good game.
    I can better draw (look images on there).

    And inerface…
    You are new in The Games Factory?

    I can do better version of this.[This review has been edited by JSZ Spaz]
    (Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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    DoubleGJ Posted more than 21 years ago

    Unfortunately I can’t rate the game, because it crashes way too often. Despite that, I like it.

    sonictth Posted more than 21 years ago

    If you upload GAMES View The System Requritments in the Info Box!