C3 Battle

  • Rating: 3

Reviews and comments

    master sven Posted more than 21 years ago


    Lets review;

    Eyecandy; (3,7)
    Layer 8 is very bad you see its devided in 4 and layer 7,6 or 5 has also a big bug.
    and its a little ugly becouse its (too)small.

    Gameplay; (6)
    You can walk to it only if youre down its a little hard to go down.(shure in a battle or duel)
    But you can walk good trough the middle in a battle.

    Ammo; (6.7)
    Placed very good,
    The RF’s +15 boxes in the very downest is hard to reach.(very much for Lori)
    But thats not a big problem)

    You should update it and make the backgrounds better.
    My Grade a: 4-

    p.s: – means -0.2 but there is no 3.8.

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    the real one Bjarni Posted more than 21 years ago


    I’m so sorry, but there are too few start pos, too few weapons, too small level, springs are ok, bad eye candy, bad backround, too few carrots, sorry, I don’t have much to say, download not recommand! Sorry, better luck next time!

    ~Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Niels aka ChippieBW Posted more than 21 years ago


    A battle level, well, I don’t guess it is so bad as Bjarni says, so lets review it:

    Well, um…. Tja… No, this SUCKS. I don’t have a better word for it, unfortunatly. I’m lucky that there is at least a background in the level, but it looks like this is the first practice of making a level by someone. The backgrounds don’t match with each other, and the castle and waterfalls in layer 6 and 7 are misplaced so that they don’t look good and suck. About layer 4: the tiles are quite correct but the pink carrtos make it suck. Needs a lot of work.

    Ammo? What ammo? There isn’t hardly any ammo placed in this sucky level, but there are FIVE CARROTS! OMG! No, next time add real ammo to your level. Now, there are only a few small pickups and no PU’s.

    No structure in this level…. The level looks like an appartment complex with about 10 floors and it’s hard to change between them, becasue the annoying, irritating pink carrots make that you can’t even run around, which is at least one point there must be in every level! If you can’t run, you can’t play, that’s something I can say.

    Well, as you can probably read above, I hated to play this level. There is no flow so I couldn’t get the nice Jazz2 speed which I like to see in every level. There is no ammo, the eye“candy” is hurting my eyes and makes me vomit, and the structure is so worthless that I can’t move around.

    Well, I hope that I made clear what’s wrong with this level, so you can improve it. Next time make a decent level, and for God’s sake, use a betatester!

    Score: a 2 from me.
    Download this: No, there are better things to wipe your ass off with.
    Host: see download, and multiply that 10 times.

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    DarkSonic Posted more than 21 years ago


    Short review this time…
    First impressions: A nice bad battle level.
    Gameplay: Omg, what is this? The level’s size is horrible. The level itself has very bad flow and layout, nothing else to say. Spaz biasing, too. Also, a bad spring placement here.
    Conclusion gameplay: ? Nothing good here, bad flow and layout, bad spring placement. everything very bad, also, bad size.
    Eye candy/Tileset Use: This definitely sux. The author made too many eye candy in layer 4, and it was mostly the same… So, it’s very bad. The tileset was misused and used horribly.
    Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: Nothing good, tileset is used horribly, bad eye candy in layer 4… Also, nothing good.
    Placement: The level’s placement was very bad, too. There is almost no ammo, and what was there, was mostly Ice and TNT. Don’t do that, please. There are carrots here, but placed in unfair places. Such as 2 carrots at the bottom with a spaz start. When you are Jazz, you start near one carrot. There is 1 PU, the gun8. It might be an interesting choice, but not what I wanted.
    Conclusion placement: There is ammo, but not too good placed. There is 1 PU, and that’s an interesting choice, but bad. There are carrots everywhere, too.
    Originality: Nothing original here. The music used is d.a.m.n, and I never heard of that music, it was probably the d.a.m.n music, dang.j2b. But anyway, the tileset used is carrotus, the most overused tileset. Anyway, if you make something original with it, it will be more interesting. This doesnt have something original in it, so, the level is not original, as simple as it can be.
    Conclusion originality: Very un-original, nothing new, there is a music bug.
    Fun factor: Not a fun level, too many dead ends, and way too small. Can’t say anything else, so so be it.
    Others: Host: NO!
    Download: No!
    Rating: 1.6-1.7.
    - DarkSonic of XSD, CC and XLM was here -[This review has been edited by da man]

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