No Sense Station

  • Rating: 6.1

Reviews and comments

    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    The music used here reaches some new forms of annoying. I wonder how much it will distract me from my review.


    The level is almost symmetrical, but if it’s going to be symmetrical, it might as well be perfectly symmetrical. The flow just happens to be one of the better aspects of this level, though it isn’t perfect. The layout is a bit tough to get around since the flow only wants to work in one direction. A one way event needs to be added at both 18,12 and 96,12 to prevent players from getting stuck. And a Multiplayer Level Start event on the right side of the level needs to be fixed. Other than that, the layout looks pretty dull and I wouldn’t know how fun this level could ever be.


    The eye candy looks alright a few places, but most of it needs improvement. A lot of edge tiles weren’t used, like around the bouncer and RF powerups and on the platform with the toaster powerup on it. There’s nothing too innovative with the eye candy, so I’ll leave it at that.


    I’m not liking all of the powerups, especially with the way the three powerups at the bottom are placed. And the full energy carrot being placed so close to those powerups doesn’t help. Ammo placement isn’t horrible, but I’m not going to say that I like it.


    Nah. I might have missed something, but 6.2 is my rating.

    The Edit: I got stuck in the same spot one time too often. I also neglected to mention the layer 3 bugs; they’re there so fix them for next time. Feel free to blame Blackraptor for making me play this longer than I wanted to. 6.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago


    Hmm…might as well review this.

    Layout/Gameplay: I dont like it too much =/. Some stuff feel a bit too platformish, and I find myself bumping into too many things. 71,8 and 43,8, there should be a ramp/float up there. Jumping is annoying and slows you down. I feel as a lot of the springs should be better placed or have a keep on them, especially the ones underneath the seeker (or that platform could of been one wayed). The bases are also sorta a dead end (coulda been a sucker there). But the gameplay is alright in a few places, so it brings up the mark a bit. To conclude this, its a bit bumpy and I’m not very fond of it. A lot of stuff need one ways as well, since I got stuck in one place when I was playing this (96,13) and couldnt get out.
    Rating: 6

    Eyecandy/tileset use: Not so good. Some tiles are chopped off (42,8, 71,8, 69,36, 45,36 etc etc), and it doesnt really look original, just plain average eyecandy, with a few bugs (layer 3; 69,6 and 43,6).
    Rating: 6.

    Placement of Stuff: To start this off: 4 POWERUPS!!2422. This level is barely 115, 60 (something around that, I didnt feel that I need to waste time to accurately check JCS for it), and 3 of them are nearly right next to each other. The toaster and the seeker would of been enough. Other than that, ammo is placed in boring rectangular shapes and doesn’t really make the level any funner. Carrot placement isnt too bad, but it could of been better, and in a less crowded/platformish area.
    Rating: 5.7

    Overall (not an average): I’m not really fond of this level. It’s not really original in any way, the layout is buggy, the eyecandy is just average, and the ammo could of been a lot better. It reminds me of the levels I made two years ago (but they probably sucked a lot more than this ;( ). On a positive note, it isnt really bad, and it could of been a lot worse.
    Rating: 5.5

    Final rating: 5.8 (-0.2 for the evily annoying music D=). Which brings it to 5.6, still rounded to a 5.7, though. Don’t worry about the low rating, you’ll improve. But for now, 5.7 and no download reccomendation.

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    Niels aka ChippieBW Posted more than 21 years ago


    Finally, a new level of DarkSonic! Let’s check it out:

    Quite good, the eyecandy is OK for this tileset, maybe a little bit boring sometimes, but the most of it is decent. Background layers are also OK. Maybe a few errors in the layer 3 foreground, in example at the grey stones upon the grey wall in the background.

    There are somre problems here, in example that there are 4 Powerups, which is really a bit too much for a level this size. It are Seek, RF, Bounce and Toast PU, the four best weapons in the game, and so it is a little bit unoriginal to place them all in one level. If you had removed the Seek PU in the upper part of the level, then it would be a little more fun, because you would then involve the rest of the level more into the gameplay. The Full NRG carrot is placed on a good place.

    As I said in the ammo point, the strcuture isn’t really good. What I didn’t had in hte beta-version were the sucker tube pipes which actually directly transport you to the base where you can score. And as Reptile said, this makes that you don’t really involve the rest of the level into the gameplay. I also don’t really like the oneway gates, but it’s good to see you removed those annoying blue springs out of there.

    The flow is OK, partially thanks to the sucker tubes which lead you to the bases, this gives the level a good flow which is really one of the better parts of the level. The rest of the level also contains a good flow, so it was better if those sucker tubes were removed, because you then would have a complete level to play in, now you only play in the upper part. The music in the level is good for a few moments, but then it gets a little bit annoying (everytime: poo-poo-poo-pwie) which gets annoying after 3 seconds.

    Not really a bad level, but you really made better levels before.

    Score: 6.7 from me
    Download: Yes
    Host: No

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    Lark Posted more than 21 years ago

    Lies. What I said was that if people take off points for the seeker powerup, you don’t have to worry about it.

    Sacrush Posted more than 21 years ago

    Darksonic i betatested this level also.