Castle of Corruption

  • Rating: 7.2

Reviews and comments

    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    Interesting filename. The “1a” is a nice touch.


    The layout is mostly balanced, aside from some questionable powerup placement (I’ll get back to that later). The flow is decent, but since the level is restrictive, there isn’t much place to go. The close base placement and start positions will probably make this frustrating for duels since it won’t be too hard to capture. I wouldn’t trust this level enough for a duel or a 2on2.


    The tileset was used in a slightly new way, but the transparent bricks in the foreground might get in the way or add confusion at first. The eye candy is mostly average, though some of the wrong brick tiles were used in various places.


    With the way the layout is, the full energy carrot at the top middle can offer the first person to score a major advantage. I liked the powerup placement the least out of everything. This is what hurts the level the most. I simple don’t see how it could work. On the right side of the level, there’s the bouncer and toaster powerups, while on the left there’s only the blaster in the wall. The coin warp, which leads to the seeker powerup, might be better with a few less coins since the level was designed for a low number of players, though it’s not bad as it is. The ammo seems too easy to access in places, but I can live with it.


    I know I wouldn’t. It’s too small for my liking, although that isn’t the biggest problem. I’m rating this a 7.2 for all the reasons I’ve mentioned.

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    Niels aka ChippieBW Posted more than 21 years ago


    Yay, a new level of NiQ aka Snooz aka The Chair! Let’s see:

    The eyecandy in this level really gives it a haunted atmosphere, thanks to the rain and the thunder in the background… The eyecandy is mostly good but sometimes hard to play in, because the stone tiles are as well placed in layer 4 (where they should be) as in layer 3 and 5. NiQ found a good solution for this problem by making the bricks in the foreground a little bit translucent, so you can see where you can walk through and where not.

    Four PU’s in this level: Toast, Blaster, Bounce and Seeker. The first three are directly accessible, the Seeker can be found by getting 25 coins. It’s really good placed, when you jump into the warp you get the PU and in one second you are transported back to the level. The coins are placed nice, and most of them are easy enough to grab. The Powerups and the other ammo are placed well.

    Perhaps there are some problems here, but they are not so bad. One big point is that if you want you can directly run from one base to another in one long run, you don’t have to jump. However, this is not a big problem, because if you want to have some Powerups you have to move around the level, especially for the Seek PU, which is hidden.

    This level has a nice flow, and after you get used to the bricks in foreground and background (it took me a few minutes) the gameplay becomes better and better. It really has the atmosphere of a corrupted castle, because of the BG eyecandy and the mysterious paths…. The music is OK, fits to this level.

    A good level of NiQ, which has really not much problems, but sometimes is a little bit annoying to play. With a little bit improvement this level could get a 8.0 from me, but not now.

    Score: a 7.5 from me
    Download this: Yes
    Host: Maybe a few times, don’t let it get too overhosted.

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    DarkSonic Posted more than 21 years ago


    Time to review again!
    First impressions: A level by NiQ of OLC and TF, which is quite small again, but here I go on with the review.
    Gameplay: Here is an almost symmetrical level with a good spring placement. The layout may be confusing sometimes, but I like it. The level is quite easy to learn. The level’s flow is also a strong part, the level is quite easy to get around in. It’s quite closed in some places again, but it doesn’t really matter alot, the level makes it a bit less fun. The level has a bonus with 1 seeker PU in it.
    Conclusion gameplay: Nice spring placement, flow and layout. Layout may be confusing sometimes.
    Eye candy/Tileset use: This is nice, there are translucent walls in layer 3, layer 2 has something too, and layer 5 has some other translucent thing. Layer 4 has nice eye candy, and I like it. Tileset use was good, there are alot of things used out of the tileset.
    Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: Nice eye candy, good tileset use.
    Pickup placement: This level has alot of ammo, probably too many. There is alot of gun9 here. There is way too many ammo close to the ground, which makes the level less original. But, let’s continue. There are 4 PU, if I don’t make a mistake. There is Bouncy, Blaster, Seeker (in a bonus) and Toaster. The Bouncy PU is placed at the right side of the level. It’s again placed in a wall, so you get it with gun9 again. It becomes un-original now, and the Blaster PU has the same. The Toaster PU is placed somewhere, you get it when you go in a warp right next to the blue base. The red base has also a warp left next to it. It leads you to the Blaster PU. The level is not too big, so 4 PU is too many in my opinion. There is a full energy placed in the middle.
    Conclusion pickup placement: Alot of ammo, too many is close to the ground. PU placement is un-original, seeker PU placed in a bonus, that’s nice.
    Originality: This level is not too original. The tileset isn’t overused, that’s a good thing. The music was nice, never heard it. That PU placement was un-original, like I already said. The idea to put a seeker PU in a bonus was quite original. The idea to make some walls translucent was original thinking.
    Conclusion originality: The level is not too original.
    Fun Factor: This level is not too fun to play. Here is it again, a straight way to the base. Also, another quite closed level. Some tubes make it more fun, if there were no tubes, the fun factor was bad.
    Conclusion fun factor: A level with a straight way to the base, and it’s quite closed. The tubes make the level not un-fun to play.
    Others: Well, this level could be better.
    Host this: Maybe if you like it by yourself and you are good in it, or else not too often.
    Download it: Yes, sure.
    Final rating: 7.2.
    - DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here -
    P.S: SkulL, 7.2 + 7 + 8.5: 3 is not 7.2. It will be 7.5, just saying it.[This review has been edited by da man]

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    SkulL Posted more than 21 years ago



    The eyecandy gives the level alot of rain in it beackround.
    It`s makes the level little bit scary.
    AMMO placement
    The pu`s hiding very good and the pus are very good for the level.
    Other ammo placement is good too.
    It`s very confused level.
    Again the bases are too close so the rivel would easlly score.
    EYECANDY: 7.0

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    fearofdark 18 Mar 2005, 19:51


    Third review scince I came back. Lets see how you did

    EYECANDY 22/33

    Heeyy!!! Not bad. You’ve got a stormy backround with pallaraxing stars. And a little eyecandy on the foreground layers.

    ITEMS 24/33

    Also, not bad. A couple of PowerUps put in and a fair ammount of ammo now and then.

    GAMEPLAY 24/34

    Not bad again. A few warps dotted around the level and many hidden ‘SUCKER TUBES’.

    TOTAL = 70/100

    RATING = 7.0

    FINAL COMMENT: You have earnt yourself a clean seven, better than I have ever gotten. That seven has eant you a download recommendation.

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