Level 1: Natural RaceTrack
Tileset: The tileset was quite cool, a bit wacky though…..4/5
Gameplay: You cant really run at full speed here but the warps are really annoying…..3/5
Pickups: Not really any…..0/5
Total: 3/5
Level 2: Temple of the Dragons
Tileset: Really cool tileset, good background…..5/5
Gameplay: This is more like it! I can run at full speed but you do need to be careful…..4/5
Pickups: Nothing…..0/5
Total: 3/5
Level 3: Cloudy Lab
Tileset: This is sooo good, not much eyecandy…..5/5
Gameplay: Can really annoying at times, the jumping is sooo annoying…..3/5
Pickups: Nothing…..0/5
Total: 3/5
Level 4: Raincloud Raceway
Tileset: Good again but again cartoony…..5/5
Gameplay: Extremly good, good traps, good gamplay, fun, GREAT…..5/5
Pickups: Nothing, you could have put freezers….0/5
Total: 3/5
Overall: 3/5 = 6/10
Generosity points +1 because the gameplay is soooo good in some!
Posted more than 21 years ago
- .* (yes, back to the copyfromnotepad style) ..
/run saphir_race_pack_second_review.txt
Level 1: Natural Racetrack
Eyecandy: All’s a-ok here. 2/2
Flow: The springs at the very beginning of the level can be hard to get through at first, And some of the puzzles can get really tough with certain characters. Aside from that, all’s well. 1.6/2
Possible with Jazz? Yes. .5/.5
Possible with Spaz? Yep. .5/.5
Total for level = 4.6/5 A
Level 2: Temple of the Dragons
Eyecandy: Pretty good. 1.9/2
Flow: Not bad. 1.9/2
Possible with Jazz? With a little trouble, yes. .4/.5
Possible with Spaz? A lot easier than Jazz. .5/.5
Total for level = 4.8/5 A+
Level 3: Cloudy Lab
Eyecandy: The thunder can get a little annoying at times, and the clouds can get real confusing too. (see below) 1/2
Flow: The aformentioned clouds can really confuse the cloud puzzles, and the wind tests get annoying. Oh, and there’s a hole in the warps in the first cloud puzzle. .6/2
Possible with Jazz? Patience patience patience. .3/.5
Possible with Spaz? See above.. .3/.5
Total for level = 2.2/5 D
Level 4: Raincloud Raceway
Eyecandy: Nothing wrong here. 1.9/2
Flow: SOME of the puzzles can really get annoying on this raceway. 1/2
Possible with Jazz? Yes. .5/.5
Possible with Spaz? Yes! .5/.5
Total for level = 3.9/5 C
Total for pack = 7.7 (rounded from 7.75)
Not too bad.
—EDIT: Line errors corrected. ..[This review has been edited by MattW]
Posted more than 21 years ago
GRRRRR….F…internet. Now I have to type the whole review again .
Sorry, the server crashed. I will do it short this time.
The last two levels aren’t playable for me, because in the one with those clouds I jumped from the edge and found myself trapped. And in the fourth level theres a part with lots of TNT, bombs and moving blocks. Everytime I get in I get pushed out. Pack isn’t playable for me, so please tell me how to do, or reupload. I think they are way to hard for race levels.
Sorry, because the review is short now, but my server deleted the old (long) one without a reason :-(
PS: because I couldn’t finish it, no rating. Sorry[This review has been edited by PHT]