Ok!!! My review will now start.
Good!!! The eyecandy again is quite good and detailed. Let`s start with the background, the backgound is clouds and in front of the clouds there are beautiful hills with carrots, spikes plants and many more. And in front of those hills there is a big river and that looks nice. The layers for the clouds, hills and river where 6,7 and 8 but 5 is also used. Layer 5 has the speed 1 on 1 so it has the speed as layer 4. In layer 5 are a lot of climbing plants, carrots, caves and many more. Also layer 5 is used to prevent tile bugs good. Layer 4 has not really eyecandy but i am glad he didn`t used it because it is no jungle. The foreground layers 3, 2 and 1 are also used. I can see a lot of eyecandy in the foreground layers like Plant`s and more ground so it looks like there are hills. There are also waterfalls but i think a little bit too much. There could be 3 or 4 waterfalls but you used 6 and that sometimes is confusing for me because it ruines the view sometimes.
Conclusion: good eyecandy here.
Fine!!! Ok lets start with the ammo placement. The ammo placement is quite ok there are a lot of different ammo`s and thats ok. The ammo is good spread out in the level there weren`t any spots where it is totally empty of ammo so you will always be well supplied in the level. There are some spots with too many of 1 kind like there is a place with a lot of seekers and a pla withce really a lot of fast fire guns and there are not really much fast fire guns needed. Also there are powerups for the ammo blaster, RF, bouncy and if i am right 1 more and that`s an electro gun powerup. Well thats exually 3 powerups because gun9 pu doesn`t make any differenties. I think that there could be 2 powerups because the level isn`t that big but the powerups are well placed. I see that threre is a carrot barrel and thats quite bad because if you are playing online and you destroy that barrel a couple of times without needing the carrot there will come more and more carrots. The springs are well placed and get me where i want to go.
conclusion: fine because of some minor details.
Good!!! Well lets go. The flow is quite good in the level you can easely run without much stopping or jumping. This level really isn`t linear and that`s good too. I had not really problems with dead ends. Also i did`nt get bounced against walls because a spring was bleu in stead of red. Also to make the level better there are suckertubes to go an other way or do some shortcuts. Those suckertubes are easely to find because there are arrows pointing at it and that`s good. Well sometimes i lose my view because there are much waterfalls. Also a annoying thing is that there is a tree hiding a spring. Ok the start positions are good. Before you get dropped in the level you will suck an then get warped in the level i don`t know why exually.
conclusion: i fun battle with friends or online.
Okay!!! The music fits ok and the level is ok sized but could be bigger. Good texts.
Conclusion of the level: A good new battle level by Ðx. A ^$&8.0#%#$^%
-SåtäÑ of XLM