recounter 1&2 (old)

  • Rating: 5.8

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    GRAPHICS: Awful/poor
    USABILITY: Poor/medium
    MASKING: Automasked
    ORIGINALITY: Poor/medium
    OVERALL: Poor

    …honestly, what more is there to say about this tileset? All it is is a bunch of red blocks with numbers or letters on them, an awful space background, and some sucker tubes. Oh, and I guess there’s a semi normal “pipish” wall. As I said, it’s automasked.
    Would I use this tileset? Even if it weren’t TSF, I wouldn’t see too much point to it. That tileset by CelL has the same color scheme, but looks infinitely better. And there are other tilesets with letters.
    Ok, so it’s user friendly. This is because there is so little to use! And it all looks almost exactly the same. This tileset has no variation whatsoever. One of the few saving graces is the example levels – if you can stand so few colors being used.

    1 of 2 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    wadledee Posted more than 21 years ago


    WOW! This is real a nice tileset! lets review it.

    The level contains nice things, like a counter (a red one=P), sucker tube eyecandy, nice tiles to stand on, stop signs, shoot blocks and many other things. If you need a nice background, you can make it with this! One thing that is a bit bad: a half part from the tileset are only white lines, and those are not realy usefull. And the animating tiles in this… Really good. And there also SMILIES on the counter blocks! =P

    Also there are 2 great example levels included, one (HARD)Race and one TEST.
    The race is really good and difficult, but with that stopwatch, you can see when the blocks dissapear. Want to know what I mean? Download this if you want to know!


    This review has been edited by Wadledee

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    FOX292 27 Jul 2011, 18:13


    Awesome idea.

    [Review changed to quick review. ~cooba]

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.