Posted more than 21 years ago
Alright, let’s see… I don’t review music often, so this will be a short review, obviously. I’ll try to come up with a rating system as I go.
Faithfulness to the original song – Very good
There is a good balance of unfaithfulness and faithfulness here. While it’s not one of those ones where someone speeds up or slows down the tempo and than changes some of the instruments and calls it a remix, it’s not one of those ones where people make a whole new song using the same instruments as the song they’re attempted to make a remix of. This makes it perfect in this area.
Other stuff that I can’t think of – Very good
Okay, so, anyway, this is an overall great remix. My only complaint is that it’s a bit long. I’ve never been a fan of really long songs. However, it’s not one of those songs that are like one minute long and then they repeat the exact same thing maybe only with a tiny change three more times, and then the author says they made a three minute song. At one point, the song changes, so it never gets really boring. It’s already going through my head. I plan to use this in one of my levels if the theme of it matches the theme of this song.
Download reccomendation : Definetely. Keep up el work de godo.
Great remix, it is much better than the actual letni music! there are no stupid screeches, unless i didnt hear any!, i hate them! This makes the actual letni music seem better, but if i were to rate the letni music, i would give it a 4.5 but this is soo much better! well done. like labratkid said, it is a bit long but if u keep hearing the same thing again i will get boring, so the way it is long is good. this would be great, if ppl used it in their lvls. Keep it up!
Posted more than 21 years ago
Nice mix.
We have Letni Mix with new samples and beats, new voices. So.
Beat’s are okay; samples are really great, just this is reason to download. I think all samples are choosen very well, but some are badly synthesized…
Then, it’s a bit (no, not bit, but just for better sounding sentence…) repetitive. It has no ending, so it’s good for levels, and in levels it’s not so horrible, but it really could be shorter…
Added voices and effects always gives tempo to tunes, they are making it more alive, that’s nice.
(+) Samples
(+) Voices
(-) Repetitivity
Not a must have, I am not impressed like never before, but pretty decent mix, and if you have time, you should listen to this.
It’s Letni! But with bright trumpets and better drums. And that’s about it.
Song Analysis:
I noticed right away that the “bippity-beep” sounds are totally rearranged. They’re all over the place! Which works. The song itself isn’t all that rearranged, however, aside from the guitars in the middle.
Sample Analysis:
There’s also better drums and a new trumpet sample. And some guitars towards the middle. Nothing else is really new.
Final Analysis:
Not a bad arrangement, but certainly not the best.
Very nice. i think i once used letni remix in my level. not sure though. ;p
this remix is wroth of downloading.