Technoir (TaZaR Remix)

  • Rating: 2.2

Reviews and comments

    Jo Li KMC 15 Mar 2005, 03:14

    2.2Not recommended:

    Speed up and drums down, folks.

    Song Analysis:
    It’s Technoir! With a faster tempo and better drums! And that’s it! Whee!!

    Sample Analysis:
    The new samples work well enough with Technoir.

    Final Analysis:
    Technoir never sounded closer to the original than this. Not much of a remix at all. Hardly worth the time it took to download.

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    Scizor CT Posted more than 21 years ago

    A faster tempo and an extra drum or two does not a remix make. No/10.


    Ok. Comparing this and the original in ModPlug shows that you added a bass, two drums, a hihat, and a drum loop. Every other sample from 1-14 is exactly the same. The patterns themselves are also the exact same, barring the drums you added. The tempo was also upped from 124 to 138. Even if the instruments were different, just doing that isn\‘t what constitutes a good remix.[This review has been edited by Scizor CT]

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    AcId Posted more than 21 years ago

    The remix didn’t change much: you just added some shakers and changed the beat a little bit. Noxt time, try experimenting with more instruments, and try to think of ways you can extend the melody. I’d say this remix is just about average. Keep trying, and you’ll have better results.
    (Somewhat unsupported rating removal edit. I have no idea how to rate/review music either. Please provide more detail in your reviews. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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    tazar Posted more than 21 years ago

    I don’t understand.
    There are 4 new instruments + I’ve changed all of the melody instruments, not only two drums… So before you tell opinion about it, please listen the original one. Thx.[This review has been edited by TaZaR]

    the real one Bjarni Posted more than 21 years ago

    It’s NOT “.j2b”
    (…which doesn’t matter. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

    sonictth Posted more than 21 years ago

    This is a kind of Techno Remix and i hate it. It sounds bader than before.
    BAD. Stop including in lvl-packs and Remixing songs of kind Techno. There are many Other Kinds of music wich are better to hear in jj2.

    spazz Posted more than 21 years ago

    The music is to slow and quite boring with that sort of instruments in it, sorry.