tutorial level for beginers

  • Rating: 1

Reviews and comments

    spazz Posted more than 20 years ago


    No eyecandy whatso ever. Horrible enemy placement, horrible item placement. I don’t see why the autor has named the level “tutorial level for beginers”. Sorry, a 1 from me.

    Reccomend download rate: F

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Lark Posted more than 20 years ago


    What… the… heck?

    Eyecandy – Very bad
    Well, let’s see… there’s really no eyecandy whatsoever. All the ground isn’t even put together right, and the background is a bunch of random blocks. Yes, that’s it.

    Gameplay – Very bad
    Okay, let’s see. You start off at the very top of the level, and you fall through some floating blocks in layer 3. Then you land on some platforms that aren’t put together correctly. After that, you run across a blinking bridge (or fall through it). Soon after, you’ll find the exit! Yay! I timed myself, and I beat the level in six seconds. Oh, and you can jump over the exit and fall off the level. Turns out that the author did not resize the level either. In fact, none of the layers are changed. The author attempted to use layer 3, but did not change the properties, or so it seems. I don’t think people will learn from this… nothing is done right. I’ve learned more from Voldard’s Cool Treasure Jungle (a classic, indeed).

    Enemy placement – Very bad
    There are no enemies! Yay!

    Ammo placement – Very bad
    There is no ammo! Yay again!

    Fun factor – Very bad
    Unless you feel enjoy falling down a hole, then running across a blinking bridge, and then ending a level, this won’t be too fun. But it’s fun timing yourself to see how fast you can do it.

    Anyway, I think I’ve said enough. I don’t know what you mean by not rating the level by tile placement, since this isn’t a tileset.

    Download reccomendation: Yes, actually. This is one of those ones that you have to download, like Voldard’s Cool Treasure Jungle, and Zappo’s Egypt.

    I think I’ve said enough. My rating is 1.0.

    Leole: What should I review the level on, then?[This review has been edited by labratkid]

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    Black Ninja Posted more than 20 years ago


    I would like to say that if you are trying to learn anything at all about Jazz2, this is a level you should stay away from. When the other people say there is no eye candy, they mean there is no eye candy. There is an incredibly small attempt at a layout, but it’s too small to count for anything. When I played this level, I wanted to shoot myself. It’s just not fun or good looking in any way whatsoever.

    Remember, friends don’t let friends download “tutorial level for beginers”.

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    fearofdark Posted more than 20 years ago


    Another Leole level. Is this one better than GET OFF THE TRAIN STATION.

    EYECANDY: Sorry, but it is my duty to review the eyecandy, speaking of that review you said not to. You learned something, puting things on forground layers (HORRAH!!!) There are somewhat 3 bridges if I can count. They all blink, and that is annoying because you bounce with them. I’ve had enough talking about eyecandy (Witch is good news).

    ENIMIES: No enimies means no review.

    ITEMS: No items also means no review.

    SIZE: Every level has a size. It’s tiny, just like Get off the train station. It takes at least 2 seconds to do. So it’s more like tinyer than Get off the train station.


    FINAL COMMENT: ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGG!!!! Why are your levels so bad??. I hope you have learned something from me, DON’T PUT PRACTICE OR TRUTORIAL LEVELES ONT THE WEBSITE!!!.

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    sonicnathan 1 19 May 2009, 21:47 (edited 19 May 09, 21:48)

    1Not recommended:

    I only downloaded this level to see how fast i could complete it. (Record is 5 seconds)

    Trust me when I say, you should be the last person doing a tutorial level.

    More like an Eyesore. A little layer 3 is used at the beginning but it makes no sense. (Looks ugly. It’s just blocks) Background is just blocks which look bad. the platforms have tilebugs, bad animations, empty level. Next topic.
    Fall down, run across some blinking platforms, if you fall, drop down and jump back up. Eather way, you go to a ledge and your done! You can fall of the level as well. that was fun right?
    Enemies AND pickups
    non in both

    Final Score: 2/30
    Score: 1
    Rank: Z
    DR? No. this is a horrible tutorial level.

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    GammaBlaster 18 Jul 2014, 15:54

    1Not recommended:

    tutorial level for “beginers” indeed.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    rionaam 14 Oct 2007, 00:28

    1Not recommended:

    First, I’d like to know why someone would bother uploading something like this to J2O. I’ll review each mayor point and you’ll know what I mean (but maybe you already knew it because of the reviews before mine):

    EYECANDY: Horrible. You used layers 3, 4 and 8 (or should I say “tried to use”). The tile placement is terrible. There aren’t 2 single tiles which fit together. Also, the background in layer 8 is very bad, it’s just a bunch of wall tiles.

    GAMEPLAY: Ridiculous. How about this: you start the level, and fall through some wall blocks put on layer 3. Then you run to the right until you see some dissapearing blocks, you fall through them, then there are some more vanishing blocks, then you jump on a boll platform and right to the exit. Also, you can fall off the level in the exit zone. At least I beated Labratkid, I won it in 5:53 seconds using Jazz, with Spaz I made it in 4:75. Yeah, I was honored with the “Tutorial Level for Beginers Master” title.

    ENEMY PLACEMENT: This is another good point of this level. The enemies, as well as the eyecandy and gameplay, are challenging and fun and… Oh, I think I have mistaken the review. Well, in this level there are no enemies. As simple as that.

    WEAPONS PLACEMENT: Same as enemy placement. No weapon apart from the blaster. Well, in this level this shouldn’t mater, as there are no baddies to shot at…

    ITEMS/PICKUPS: Nothing to review here. It seems the author forgot how to put a single carrot in JCS.

    OTHERS: There isn’t anything on this level that should impress so much so as to send Leole a private message so that he can explain how he did it. Maybe the only good thing this level has is that it is very very small, little and short, and you don’t have to play this thing for a long time.

    BONUSES: Yes, of course… :P

    OVERALL: I think this level deserves a 1. Perhaps the author’s intention when creating this was good, I don’t know. Still, as anyone can see, this shouldn’t be on J2O.

    DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION: Just to see how bad this level is.

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    Ðx Posted more than 20 years ago

    Delete Please

    leole Posted more than 20 years ago

    wel somethies some of jou are almost screeming it out [weah like jou green plant ok an circus may not be fun afther all bud atleast i am trying and err sabspazz cauze i seen this revieuws there wont be coming any tutrials for atleast a while i am momentalie working on the level packet project lori soon i am gonna set this first part of it on j20 now so cao[This review has been edited by leole]

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    Bartje-Remje-Double-U Posted more than 20 years ago

    This is poor,
    This is cheap,
    My stuff is even better…
    and my stuff sux
    (Unsupported rating removal edit. What, specifically, is wrong with this level? What could be done to improve it? There are lots of ways to make a review of a bad level longer – especially because with bad levels, you can often mention every single aspect of the upload. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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    Lulu Posted more than 20 years ago

    why do you make an beginners lvl if we already have one on 1.23?

    I agree with Dx.
    Delete this.

    Oh,and Leole.
    We are raters,we give ratings so why you upload this if we may not rate from you?

    And what Beginners tutorial withouth text and enemies?![This review has been edited by Lulu]

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    Ragnarok! Posted more than 20 years ago

    Lemme Review this,
    Eyecandy: Hmm, i’ll review it, even if you said not to, then there is hardly to review on if i dont. You used wall blocks for the sprite layer on the background layer. The animating tiles are terrible too, there is an animation of a buttstomp block, which changes to a sign and then to a blank. Also, none of the layers were edited, and you wasted a lot of space; you could have made the sprite layer smaller. -1/2

    Enemies: No bad guys, well how fun… NOT! All i can say is, never forget enemies!!!!!!! -1/2

    Pickups: None, again, levels are a lot better with pickups, and, there were none included! -1/2

    Fun Factor: Well, if you enjoy dropping from the top of a level to the bottom, and moving about 80 tiles, i’d say this is fun, otherwise i hate falling for no reason, so it isn’t fun. Like the Labratkid said, it is only fun timing yourself. -1/2

    Others: Well there is horrible gameplay even for a tutorial, you are meant to learn something from tutorials! The sign is written in a really stupid way, and if you jump over the exit, you fall off the level, which then you are stuck unless you cheat or quit. The only good thing is that there is a boll platform, but that isn’t really good, it is the only thing that caught my eye, please try harder like this, overall the events were placed terribly, and i only learnt one thing from the level, that there is no point to this. You are not terrible, you just need to try harder. -1/2

    Overall: -1/2 × 5 = -5/10
    =P I wanna see part two now!
    [This review has been edited by sabaspaz]

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    guest Posted more than 20 years ago

    cant you see!? hes trying to be funny!

    remember, no one likes a pineapple with a big mouth
    (Unsupported rating removal. Do I really need to explain this one? Original rating 10.0. ~Violet)