easter feaster and helmers cave

  • Rating: N/A

Reviews and comments

    PHT Posted more than 21 years ago

    Well, sadly I don’t like this so much than BloodRabbit.

    The level design was very confusing, you don’t really know where to go. Also there are some parts where you die or get hurt without having any point of knowing that if you jump down here there is a spike pit which doesn’t let you out. Also, in the second level (Helmer’s cave) I killed a cat, walked to the right and jumped of the level (172,12). As this was my last live I typed jjq and quitted JJ2 because I didn’t want to do all the stuff again.

    BloodRabbit, eyecandy was excellent????
    No way. There are some carrots in the foreground at the start, and a castle which cuts of at the bottom in the background. This is excellent eyecandy? No way! Look at LWE or Tomb Rabbit. These have excellent eyecandy (in my opinion).

    The gameplay was okay, tough I don’t like some surprise deaths. The dragon flies are strategically annoying placed. In level 2 there was a path, where I wanted to go in and suddenly I got warped back. Does this have a reason??? I don’t really know the sense of this.

    The ammo was also okay, alltough on some parts in level 1 I missed some seekers or toasters(&%$#! dragonflies). Before the frozen spring could be some fire because the spring doesn’t make a sense without.

    Like I said before, also the enemy placement was really annoying. Mostly, because of those dragonflies. Tough, baddy placement isn’t the worst part of the pack.

    This pack has a lot of obstacles. And they are sometimes, just, bad placed. For example it isn’t a good idea to place a text sign and if you wanna read it a rock falls on your head and kills you. Or placing a H-Pole before spikes also isn’t a good idea.

    The author used the easter tileset. It is maybe a bit late for using this set, but it doesn’t really matter.

    The tileset use was ok, but the background is too empty (doesn’t mean level 2).

    I hope I made clear why this pack may never deserves 8.0.
    I would give about a 7 but because I didn’t finished it I don’t rate.

    Download? You’re decision
    Level Rank: Above average
    Host? No, it wasn’t made for Co-Op I think
    FINAL RATING: N/A (7.0)

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