Hottis Horticus

  • Rating: 7.1

Reviews and comments

    snzspeed Posted more than 21 years ago


    Quite nice level, it needs better gameplay and flow though IMO. its still nice though. i dislike the eyecandy though becayuse it confuses me sometimes. verall its pretty nice level. abovce average. that’s all i can say. ;P
    Eyecandy would be better too, because it looks linear. placement is fine, i don’t have much complaimetns. wow, i made lots of typos. >D


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    Sacrush Posted more than 21 years ago


    I think i like it more then snooz but let me review.

    Good!!! The background looks good there are stars, ground and tiles what looks nice and whit a nice speed. All over the level i see nice tiles of eyecandy what looks like walls. Then there are some nice animations like some sort of lightning and lava. The ground you are walking on are blocks but looks quite good because they all have different sizes and there are animations and other nice thing between them so it doesn`t look dull. I did`nt get confused by the eyecandy like Snooz had and i didn`t found any tilebugs. I see that also the foreground layers make some eyecandy things.

    Pros: This level isn`t dull and looks quite good

    Cons: The level is quite black could be more colors.

    Oke!!! There is a lot of ammo and nicely spread out there aren`t places where there is no ammo and places where it is full of ammo. The ammo is easy to get. There could be more electro blasters. If i am correct there are 2 powerups. 1 powerup in the map and 1 in a coins shop. That can be good but the Toaster powerup what in the map is is way closer to the bleu base. That powerup would be good in the middle. No bad comment on the seeker powerup that is in the coin warp. Almost forgot the ammo respawns a little bit too fast could be 20.
    The coin placement is good placed also the coinwarp. The springs are also well placed. O almost forgot the full energy is well placed.

    Pros: Ammo is nice spread out and the coins are well placed like the springs.

    Cons: It respawn too fast and 1 powerup unfair placed.

    Fine!!! I think the flow is quite good here because the springs get me where i want to go and if there isn`t a spring there is a suckertube that takes you up. I can quite easily run thought the level without much problems. There are no dead ends what also is good. It seems that the level isn`t symmitrical but still quite fair except that powerup. The bases are fair placed there are some suckertubes to get the flag fast or escape from it at both bases so that good. Its too easy to go to each other base you only need to walk 1 direction and you get there. This level isn`t really for 1vs1 because it`s quite big. There weren`t places where i needed any one ways. Uhm! although gameplay is the most importent i still don`t know more to tell.

    Pros: Fair base placment and good flow.

    cons: Too easy to go to the base.

    good!!! First of all i didn`t seen this tileset much in levels and the size is also good. I love the song.

    -§AtaN of XLM
    [This review has been edited by Satan]

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    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    This is a late review.


    The layout is pretty generic. It isn’t bad or especially good. I might’ve liked it more if this level was a bit bigger. The flow is decent, except it depends on tubes a little too much. A few more springs should’ve been used instead of all of those tubes, especially when most of the tubes serve no purpose. The bridges aren’t particular useful, so I wouldn’t recommend using them as they were in this level. On a side note, avoid using horizontal springs since players stuck may occasionally get stuck in them.


    From what I could tell, the tileset was used well enough, although it’s a little confusing in the beginning. Too bad the textured background looks horrible in 8-bit. After playing the level for a bit, I found that the bright orange made it a bit harder to see a few things, which could be a problem.


    At the bottom middle there’s a full energy carrot, and at the top is a +1 carrot. So the placement of the carrots isn’t a big problem. The placement of the seeker powerup is fine since it is only accessible through a coin warp placed in the middle. I just didn’t like how the toaster powerup was placed; it felt like it was a little too far to the right. In regard to the ammo placement, I can’t say I hate it. However, I would prefer if so much of the ammo wasn’t placed on the ground.


    This level isn’t bad, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to host it more than once. 7.0 is my rating. And make sure to the loop the level to itself next time.

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    eter Posted more than 21 years ago

    Viiolet glm cis cool
    (Unsupported rating removal edit. I’m not bothering with reasons, as you’re obviously just spamming the downloads section. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]