It’s been a while since I reviewed a CTF level. And first off, R3ptile, stop using a word with n**b in a bad way, because we all have been a n**b in level creating.
Introduction to MEZTAR: this is a CTF level created by SabaSpaz, which is symmetrical and uses the Mez01 tileset.
Gameplay: this is a level with an around average size. The level is very open, and it has horizontal springs which aren’t needed. There are alot of other springs, which are well placed, but nothing special. And also this time, there were no float-ups at 70,13 and 82,13. This prevents jumping, and it helps the flow a bit. The level’s layout is nothing spectacular, and the level is symmetrical. This is a good thing for your first CTF level, and that means the balance is always good. The level’s flow is average, but I can’t say I am fond of it. The level has some one way placed at the right places, that’s good. The level has warps, but I don’t know what to say about it, because I don’t know if they are needed. Other than that, the gameplay is average.
Conclusion of gameplay: this level’s gameplay is just average. Average spring placement, flow and layout. A symmetrical level, which is good for your first CTF one.
Eye candy/tileset use/layer use: this level’s eye candy isn’t that good. The level has some good backgrounds, but the stuff in the other layers isn’t too good. This tileset doesn’t have too many eye candy, but the level is very empty. A small level with this tileset is good to start with, or just use a tileset with alot of eye candy, which is easy to use. The tileset use isn’t too good in this case. The layer use is average, because it has backgrounds and something in the layers 3 and 5. There is no real eye candy in layer 4.
Conclusion of eye candy/tileset use/layer use: not so good, the level doesn’t have real eye candy in layer 4 and a few things in layer 3 and 5. The backgrounds are nice, though. The layer and tileset use is average.
Pickup placement: this level doesn’t have too many ammo, and the groups of ammo are 4 × 3 ammo. I can still remember this from SabaSpaz’s first level on J2o. The level has 4 power-ups, which is one too many. The level has some ice and tnt, but it isn’t much, so it’s okay. This level has one crate with 5 × 3 seeker ammo near each base, and the bases also have a carrot. This isn’t a good idea, but I can’t really explain why it isn’t. There is one way to enter each base, which means that you can camp there. There is a full energy in the middle of the level too, which is placed above the rf pu. The toast pu is at the right side, and the bouncy one is left. The seek pu is placed in the centre-bottom of the level, and you get 3 from this 4 pu with gun 9. The ammo is all placed in the air, and I like that. The level could be bigger if you want to keep the ammo placement this way or bigger groups of ammo which are spread. The pickup placement is again average, but could be better.
Conclusion pickup placement: this level has small groups of ammo, which aren’t good spread, 4 power-ups, 3 carrots, and two of that ones are 1 near each base.
Originality: this level uses an over-used tileset, and I already had the music used in this level. The way the tileset is used is nothing original, the level doesn’t have any original ideas, and the other things aren’t original too. I like this level music, though.
Conclusion originality: the level has no real original things, nice music and it uses an over-used tileset.
Playability: this level isn’t too fun to play because it’s so open. The level has no dead ends, which is a good thing. The horizontal springs ruin the playability in this level, and it’s also a biasing for Spaz. Spaz con double jump that way that you can go back up when you touched a horizontal spring. The way to the base isn’t a straight way, and I’m glad there is finally a level which doesn’t have that.
Conclusion playability: this level is very open, the horizontal springs are annoying, but the way to the base isn’t straight, which is good.
Others: this level has some slope errors, but that are the only bugs I found.
Conclusion level: this is just an average level, and I give it a 6.2.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here.
[This review has been edited by Da man]