Posted more than 21 years ago
kinda funnie level very hard to play out bud jou have weapons in it to to frees jour enemy good job it realy earnd an 8.7 good job conrinou it that way!
(You know, most race levels actually have ice in them. Unsupported rating removal. What is good about this level? What is bad? What’s the eyecandy like? The gameplay? Is anything new or different? How many times would you play this before you got bored? Just a few things you could have discussed. Original rating 8.7. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Leole, 8.7???
Way to high for this untested level. If you get into the time warp you get stuck in some warps which always warp you on the same place and right after you get out of the warp you get in again. If you didn’t enter it you get to some hellraisers. But if you wanna jump above them you float up into some springs, get pushed into the hellraisers and get warped back. There’s no way to overcome this in my opinion, so that’s bad.
Also the background is done kinda wrong. Alex, NEVER MAKE THE SPEED OF THE BACKGROUND FASTER THAN LAYER 4! Layer 4 has speed 1, so for the background you have to set 1 for an immediate background layer or something slower. Speed 0 doesn’t move (the background is always at the same position, often used for layer 8). So you have to put something between 1 and 0 for your background layer. For example 0.5 works fine.
Please fix that level and TEST IT YOURSELF! Make sure it’s possible to beat.
Leole, I really can’t understand you.
No rating
I can tell you its beatable, and when I teted it myself it woked perfectly fine! tha trick is that you must not go too fast at the hellraisers, so you get pushed up, but dont get pused in the springs. the floats will float you above the hellraisers. I dont know what went wrong with the timewarp then, its supposed to give you a few laps advantege or something, have you READ the readme? it states that you shall not go too fast at the hellraisers, to overcome them, go slower. it is hard but beatable, all my preveous unreleased levels were too easy and theis ones too hard? leole liked the thoughness of the level he said.
thats all d*mned