Wow. Just…wow.
Looking at this makes me think if I’m playing jj2 or Xargon. Most tiles are there, can’t really tell if all of them are since I havent played Xargon for a while. Plus they are placed in a way which makes the tileset fairly easy to use. Plenty of animations, and it even includes the food and the crystals (but not the creatures =P). You even took the time to put in sucker tubes, destruct blocks, invisible tiles etc, so that a decent level can be made with this (as demonstrated by FireSworD). The palette is nicely done, I have a few small complaints about the masking of a few things, but whatever. This definately makes me want to make a level with it. Great work, and a definite download reccomendation. An 8.7, for all the reasons mentioned above. Rating might be upgraded/downgraded after further use of the tileset.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Nice job
I saw all tiles… The rain is nice and the UNDERWATER tiles to… I luv that ctf that you made… Its a nice tileset. The other dark one is also good. texture background is nice and the walking tiles to. The ani-tiles ar also good. the door with the key and the others. You can make some nice levels with it also some good ctf. Ther up walk tiles and they work perfect. This is one of the best tilesets i guess form you spaztic. Anyway the mask is also nice… Some cave tile’s and Great waterfall tiles.. I hope you will make some ctf levels with it anyway.For layer 7 and mayby 6 nice mountains. Anf the mushrooms ar also good. The tree(s) Look also good… So…
here a nice good rating:
.:. 9.5 .:.
Dx CC of XLM
Posted more than 21 years ago
sweet job.
heh, this conversion is perfect IMO. i think i used to play Xargon like 6-7 years ago, so i can’t tell if all tiles are included, but i still think so. i don’t think this conversion misses any tiles, which is very good thing. there’s some nice extra stuff too, like the aweosme textured background, nice looking rain tiles, and some other stuff im too lazy to list. masking is very smooth too, and i like it. nothing wrong with the masking here. tile placement is good enough, and i think this tileset isn’t too hard to use. some animations can be hard to understand though. overall, this is very nice conversion by Spaztic. download is recommeded. im going to rate this as 8.5 for the reasons i’ve mentioned.