Ok, since I just woke up, Im going to keep this review relatively short.
Tropicana Bay:
This level basically has the same style as the levels in CB’s previous pack; collect a bunch of stuff and activate the trigger zones, then return to the exit. The level was alright, although it needed more eyecandy, especially in the backround layers. There were a few eyecandy bugs (61,86, you could see yourself past the layer 3). In some parts the level looked really plain, and Im not really sure how those hooks floated in midair (would’ve been better if they looked like they were attached to something, like that blue thing), and the platform just above 126,30 confuses me a bit because its suppose to be ground yet its in layer 3 so you basically have no idea its not solid until you fall through it. I really like how you did the sucker tube in the volcano along with the floatups, it basically shoots you right out of it nice and easy. On another note, instead of using the water blocks that come with your set you could’ve had actual jj2 water in the level, since the fish enemy are basically useless without it (all they do is just float there). Enemy placement is a bit too scarce (barely any enemies), and the only ammo there is are toasters and bouncers in the beginning which all regenerate. The level was also a bit too easy (I beat it twice without losing and hearts), so you could’ve made it harder and place stuff in different difficulty modes (hard, easy etc). Also, the backround looks a bit screwed up in 8 bit. Overall, Im giving this level a 7. With more eyecandy, harder difficulty(if you want it to be an easy level so new people can beat it, you could make it a lot harder if someone plays in the ‘hard’ difficulty), more pickups and a longer level, you’ll get a much better rating from me. Still a spiffy level and a download reccomendation.