hahahaha..eyecandy > all. These levels are awesome, your my hero dude :D. For a more detailed review:
The first level (the battleships one) had good eyecandy despite it being a sucky tileset, although the eyecandy was really confusing at times. The level was rather clumped in a lot of places, and in some places it was impossible not to get hurt. The level was pretty hard though, and I like how you did the ending boss.
The second level, in the beginning, you can get stuck in the pole if you hit the hurt events (you’ll see what Im talking about if you try it), a simple one way under the pole could’ve solved this. The eyecandy was good, but there wasnt as much of it as in the 1st level. Some enemies were also nearly impossible to avoid and some springs didnt take you up as high as needed. Some parts in this level looked really awesome in eyecandy. The level was challenging, but imo easier than the previous. It was less original, though, imo, and maybe a bit short. Also, you need to place more save points in your levels.
Rating time!
First Level:
Eyecandy: 8.5
Layout: 7.2
Pickups: 7.7
Originality: 8.7
Overall (not an average): 7.7
Rating: 7.96 = 8.
Second level:
Eyecandy: 9
Layout: 7.7
Pickups: 7.7
Originality: 7.5
Overall (not an average): 8.2
Final rating: 8.02 = 8
Final rating for pack: 8
Keep making levels, these show a lot of promise, except next time make your levels a bit longer and consider adding a bit more savepoints, as well as focusing on layout and placement of things a bit more. Still, these are spiffy levels, and they get a download reccomendation. Good Job.
Good job! you’re very good at building levels! eyecandies ammos, and baddies are very well. one thing is there are no sign posts and not much carrots! you have to put more carrots and sign post according to the difficulty of the level. Otherwise you’ll die easily and start from the beginning. This can make people get annoyed. but generally it is cool! waiting for your new levels :)
YAY it uses my tileset i must d/l it immediately…
Review coming later
Happened to me: jj2 messed up :(
here’s the review:
My tilese! yay! 10 for this level! (joke)
This level has great eyecandy – maybe a bit too much – and is quite hard. Here i also noticed a specific warp system, the warps all looked the same. That was actually a good idea.
While the eyecandy is good, the level because of it sometimes was too confusing (i had to search for the path for quite long). The level is however very good, and the author has clearly put a lot of effort into the eyecandy.
Who said my tileset is bad? It isn’t, only the example level sucked. Here’s a proof of it: this level makes very good use of the tileset.
The boss was interesting, but not too hard, good for a hard level as this as you probably are damage when you come to the boss.
A 8 for this level.
HE** (as the author calls it)
This one also has good eyecandy, but much less than the previous (phew). It looks really hellish, and i particularily liked the caves. Here i also noticed the warps which were quite similar to those in the previous level.
In the beginning of the level it seemed very easy, but as i played more it became harder. Here i also found many trigger crates, which often forced me to think where i saw trigger blocks, which actually was quite good.
The boss was a single bilsy, with a well-fitting end text.
A 8 for this too.
Overall: a above-average levelpack with enough eyecandy for even the fussiest players.
Both levels have very few savepoints.
I recommend adding more in the next levelpack, so you won’t have to restart the level if your rabbit just starts jumping by itself (can happen on my pc).
Very worth a download.
Posted more than 21 years ago
These are awesome, make more levels. My number one suggestion is to not put so much confusing eyecandy in the foreground. Some savepoints would also be nice.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Despite I agree with LRK, these levels remind me my own ones. Strange fact is, LRK had different opinions for this, and mine.