Okay, to be honest before i downloaded it, i didn’t really think it will be too good, but it was. Maybe a bit overrated (actually a lot) but for your 1st upload this kind of pwns. This level isn’t extremely good, but is above average. Here is my review:
My rating: 8/10
Comments: Okay, the eyecandy here is really original and it kind of rules, But quite a lot of eyecandy things in the tileset are not there. The background ir really original. Good job
My rating: 7.5/10
Comments: Well again the gameplay is good, but could be far batter. This is a fairly sized level actually it is quite big. Which is good. I hate coin warps so i won’t raise your rating coz of that. The springs are nicely placed. But the flow here isn’t magnificent.
Pickups Placement:
My rating: 6.5/10
Comments: The placement isn’t extremely good. Nor is it bad. I dont like the placement but it is quite good.
7.2 is what i am giving.
I saw this hosted so many times I might as well review it. Firstly, this is a pretty big level with no carrots. I like the fact that it has no carrots because it would be really hard to kill someone if this did have carrots. There are lots of powerups, and the seeker is in a 100 coin coinwarp. There are a lot of coins in this level and they are pretty easy to get, so that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Layout is alright, I’m not particularly fond of the bottom areas but the top is good. Pickups are placed alright. The eyecandy is about average, more of it would’ve been welcome. Overall, this is a pretty spiffy level that I’d probably play a few times in the future (especially since EvilMonkey keeps hosting it ;D). Apologies for the short review, and RATING TIME >|.
Layout/Gameplay: 8
Placement of Stuff: 7.5
Eyecandy: 7
Originality: 7.5
Overall (not an average): 7.7
Final Rating: 7.54, rounded down to a 7.5. Pretty decent level, and I await to see more from you in the future, download reccomendation. ;D.
First of all, I struggled with finding the secret warp and I don’t like the white flashing sky. That’s irritating.
However, eyecandy is excellent, good flow, cool weapons! Good choice of tileset. I will give this a 9.7, since there is no 9.8 ;)
I strongly recommend to download this![This review has been edited by NeoBlaze24]
The only thing that really annoys me about this site is that people aren’t allowed to have opinions.
It’s not bias if he reviews them all similarly.
To quote Voltaire, “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”[This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]
Posted more than 21 years ago
The best way to balance out the rating is to review it yourself. Which I recommend you all do. This is actually a good level from what I can see, especially if it is the author’s first. I will try to compile a review later if I get the chance.
- Trafton (J2O admin)
[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Posted more than 21 years ago
mikeejimbo, it’s not that. We encourage you to post your opinions. But some people rate levels so highly, it borderlines to biasism, which isn’t exactly allowed here. Not to mention that ruins the idea of reviews:
“I make a good (actually crappy) level in only two minutes, and people rate it 9! I’m so good :p”
When rating, don’t start with 10, start with 1 and build it up! The higher you rate it, the more suspicious it gets and the more likely it gets deleted, unless you explain it thoroughly! Ok, I’m done for now. You may delete it :p
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3