A pretty simple battle level by SPLASH. It has a good layout and the like, as well as good eye candy and weapon placement, but it just seemed too… Simple. The idea of using a bg as water was pretty cool. I can’t think of much to say for this review actually, so I’ll leave it at that.
I can’t decide between a 6 or a 7 for this level so I’ll be nice and give it a 7. I recommend a d/l.
Posted more than 21 years ago
"Tsunami/Volcano Ruins" is not a bad pack of levels: the Medivo tileset is still underused and the design and eyecandy is good in most places. The idea of "mirroing" the level is interesting (same idea as in "Parallel Worlds" by Jeh and some other levels).
Unfortunately, i have some minor complaints: the level is too small, the design needs to be a bit more…you know…circular and i don’t like the "Lava" idea (3d background used as "lava" in the foreground!?) in the second level.
Everything else is fine and could be worth the download, esspecially for Battle fans.
Posted more than 21 years ago
A pretty decent level, I think. Not good, but not bad. The layout is quite simple, really. The event placement was good, also, I had no trouble with navagation. Also, I don’t like the Water. I only suggest this for levels that water would add to it, or it uses the Beach or another tileset that would have normally Water in it.
Anyway, this level is recommended for Battle fans, and maybe a few other people.