Bored battle1 (battle1 remake)

  • Rating: 7.2

Reviews and comments

    cooba 20 Oct 2004, 15:01


    This remake, is, 100% accurate. The only fixed things are shield (changed to RF powerup, which is good alternative if you don’t mind getting fake health) and a morph placed nearby copter. Unfortunately, most people will not know how to access it with bouncers. ;| Anyway, this is pretty much accurate B1 edit.

    Good for given tileset. Some places look a little bland, and destructable scenery remains are pretty much ugly. Note: They are fixed now. +0.2 Color which background fades in doesn’t fit that much, but gives nice atmosphere (Along with cool music. ++Timelord) Background layers are used, and particularly look good, although they’re not used too creatively.

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