
  • Rating: 8

Reviews and comments

    Ragnarok! 27 Oct 2004, 10:35


    Yes…. as GP said, maybe a crap level overrated, but its not that bad, its better than i thought. This level has the wierdest name…

    Pickup Placement:
    My Rating: 6.7
    I hated the placement i mean, there were good powerups, but why do only pros like FS and EM put the pointless powerups, and give them a point like in distopia u can chase with RFs or peppermints. Well battle, u dont chase much. I like the powerup placement though, but it could be better.

    My Rating: 7.0
    This level is very very platformy, but there is a really small exception. Who cares though, BlurredD’s E-prime kinda owns this, coz well mainly blur made it barely platformy. And… Really orignal. This level has barely any tactic, but when there was loads of thin platforms, bouncers and seekers can be shot through them. There are a few dead ends too, unhappily.

    My Rating: 8.0
    The eyecandy is really good, barely bugged, but nevertheless nothing original at all, the suckertubes looked nice. The background was excellent, but i do prefer stars and the planet, they look heavy, but so does this i guess. There is an excellent tileset chosen and used here.

    My Rating: 8.5
    The flow here is great,however: dead ends, annoying parts, not too much tactic, easy to camp. But happily, how to anticamp/destroy campers. This level has quite a few parts that are really pointless. This level is great for duels and TB and even just battle.

    My rating: 7.7
    Host this often: Yes
    Host at all: Yes
    Host for duels or TB: Yes if possible.
    Learn from: Yes, this is a good example of a good level.
    Download: Yes

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    DarkSonic 30 Oct 2004, 21:30


    Ok, it’s been a while I reviewed, but I’m back. :)

    Introduction: Golradir is a level created by Commander Dats and uses the Odyssey tileset. The level name is weird, but I don’t give points for a levelname.

    Gameplay: Good/Very Good
    This level’s gameplay is pretty good. I liked how the springs were placed and you don’t have to jump alot to get to another place, so that’s a good thing. I liked the large tubes on the left and right sides of the level. The layout of this level looked good, at least it’s not a symmetrical battle level :P. I didn’t see any dead ends, so it doesn’t lower my rating. I don’t have any mayor complaints about the gameplay.

    Eye candy/tileset use/layer use: Good/Very Good
    This level’s eye candy looks good. I especially like layer 6. The tileset was used very well, there were also alot of animations. I saw layer 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 were used. That’s a good thing. Some places could use more eye candy like near 46,23, but still, pretty good.

    Pickup placement: Good/Very Good
    About the Ammo, it was good placed. Not too many at one place and it was also good spread. I don’t have complaints about it. About the Power-Ups, I saw 3 Power-Ups. There was also some Fast Fire which is Power-Up too in JCS. The carrot placement was fine. The Full Energies can’t be reached but there are +1 Carrots.

    Originality: Good/Very Good
    Yes, this level is original, because of the backgrounds and some animations. I have never seen the music file, so that’s original too. It’s a good idea to place Full Energies in a place you can’t go to.

    Overall, I give this level a 7.91 = 8.
    Download is recommended.

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