By special request from Danyel, It’s my turn to review. That, and this download doesn’t have a rating yet and I’m trying to catch up anyway :p
If the name didn’t give it away, this is another remix of the Jazz Jackrabbit theme we all know and love. It starts off shallow, slowly fading in till 0:54, when the real song starts. Nice for keeping the intro limited to 1 minute or so. The intro is basicly the first part of the intro of the original (I think I lost a few readers) over and over. If you’ve read my review of Dan’s Tubelectric Remix, Dan uses the same tactic: switching instruments. Nice strategy, as it helps keeping the song from growing dull. From 0:54 the actual song kick in, it somewhat follows the original(with a piece omitted). At 1:29 we get an intermezzo (quiet period) followed by, in my opinion, an annoying part if you use stereo headphones: The section 1:34 to 1:46 has the melody focussed too much on the left. Kinda painfull as it’s kind of loud. Followed by another intermezzo and at 2:04 we get an orignal solo piece till 2:28, with the same problem: focussed too much on the left. At 2:34 it resumes with the same melody as at 0:54. It goes on like that till 3:27, where we get another original solo (focussed too much on the left again, could ya guess?) It’s quiet long too: to 3:50. Then comes the outtro, which follows the outtro of the original faithfully, only with fade-out. Ok, i’m done.
Switching instruments seems to be Danyel’s favored strategy for making remixes, and with the in-game songs being so short (a few exceptions here and there), what else can ya do aside from creating original melodies? I can’t exactly indentify the exact instruments, all I know is that the ones in the background are bassed in the beginning, sounding somewhat heavy and dampered. My guess is they’re synthesized. One instrument that caught me off guard was the piano, used for the original solos. As said before it’s quite loud. It’s also used at the very end, with heavily bassed instruments in the background, it’s a nice contrast wth the clear piano.
All I can is: it’s steady. No changes or anything in mid-song. Compared with the original, this remix is a tad slower.
A nicely done remix overall, the only problems are that on occasion, it’s focussed too much on the left and the piano’s a bit too loud when that happens. Still, the original pieces are an added welcome. Recommended listening with reservations, be sure not to use stereo head-phones :)
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3