Diamondus ß

  • Rating: 9.2

Reviews and comments

    Blackraptor 28 Nov 2004, 19:57


    Diamondus Beta. Here goes:

    Firstly, since you only had two small screenies to work with, I’d say this was more of a tileset itself then a remake/conversion/whatever.

    Firstly. the first impression this set gave off was amazing. I personally love the grass in this set, and the gems are cool. Plus there are 5 current versions of this set – and pyro said he’d release another one (not going to ruin the surprise and tell you the theme of it ;D) later.

    Firstly, the technical rating:
    Diamondus B Day/Garden
    Pin 500 bump: Looks really good.
    Pin paddles: Also look good.
    Small Tree: Looks good.
    Psych Pole: Looks really good.
    Diamondus Pole: Looks really good.
    Carrotus pole: Looks pretty good.
    Jungle Pole: Looks green =\.
    Pin Carrot bump: Not really fond of the colors but looks alright.
    Water is good, Snow is green.
    Diamondus B Lava: Snow is still green, and green doesn’t really fit in with a lava looking place. (Red snow would’ve been cool, or grey snow like ash). Water looks like lava so thats cool. Pinball Carrot bump looks really good, and the rest is either good/pretty good.
    Diamondus B Midnight: Diamondus Pole might be too light, again don’t particularly like the colors of the carrot bump, snow looks a better here. Rest is alright.
    Diamondus B Night: I really like the psych pole, and the water is pretty good. Rest looks good.

    Technical Rating: 9.4

    Now onto the tilesets themselves. Looking at them and comparing them with the original diamondus, I could see that most the stuff is there. None of the rotating gems are able to be placed without the wall in the backround, or on the edge of the wall though. I suppose adding that would make the set too big, though. A lot of new stuff is animated (waterfalls, which look a lot like the ones from BlurredDs Diamond Dust, and a lot of roating gems.). There are also more destruct blocks added in the set. Pyro said there is room enough for 34 anims (actually 33, since when you get to 1024 it still counts as too many – 0 in access). This sounds like a lot, but if you animate the gems, the mushroom, the flower, the sparkles, the waterfall, the destructable rabbit signs, and all the destruct blocks, you won’t have enough, so you’ll have to make some sacrifices. Something I noticed is that the destruct blocks were visible from behind any side wall that was put over them in layer 3, so you couldnt fully hide them. I’d have also like to see more invisible tiles (half masked one, slopes). Backrounds are nice, and I like how you made some fade into colors that matched the set in 8 bit (like the lava one, especially. Nice feel). There is a LARGE tile variety, lots of different jagged walls, ceiling tiles, backround tiles etc, and lots of potential for good eyecandy so your level wont get boring. Poles are there, vines are there, spikes, lots of eyecandy tiles, all the destruct blocks needed, foreground eyecandy, a solid invisible tile, nothing that looks like a hook, but some tiles are masked thin enough for them to be able to be used as one (tile 6, 16). No sucker tubes either. Using this set is pretty easy. Masking is good. Generally, I really like this set, and its palette edits, and I’d definately use this in the future.

    Rating time:
    Conversion Completeness (it is technically a remake/conversion =P): 9.2
    Tiles Added: 9.3
    Color: 9.7
    Animations: 9.6(-0.4 because I agree with LRK that the gems look a bit cartoony, and hog a large amount of space)
    Masking: 9.5
    Userfriendliness: 9.5 (had no problem)
    Overall/not an average: 9.2
    Technical: 9.4
    Final Rating: 9.425 ~ 9.4. Definate download reccomendation, since this is awesome =P. (And I got to test it before it was released too.)
    Download reccomendation, unless you want to miss out on something awesome.


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    PurpleJazz 26 Dec 2006, 10:59


    This must be the best conversion in the world!

    This is the old diamondus from 1997 re-made into j2t format. This has a entirely different feel from the original diamondus. Everything from the old diamondus is here: Trees, caves, signs, background stuff, and everything else, but it also has a lot more to offer than the original diamondus. Features include: Animating Gems in the walls, ground tiles without grass, 45 degree slopes, waterfalls, and so much more. Level made with this set look so much better than level used with the boring old version. It’s also a lot easier to make original stuff since it has a lot more things it can do. And to just make things better, Pyromanus has added a custom textured background.

    Another reason that this is one of my favourite tilesets to use is its layout. Everything is neatly arranged in this, making it extremely easy to use. In fact, it’s so easy to use that it is easier to use than the original diamondus. The mask is perfect, too. I can’t find any tiling errors or mask bugs at all in this set. Everything joins together perfectly. Well done!

    Pyromanus has made 3 extra palettes along with the old ones. They are: Garden, Lava and Midnight. In the garden palette the ground has changed to a nice shade of grey, along with other colour changes to give it a very “gardeny” feel. The lava version has a lot of redness in the colour, the waterfalls have gone to a yellowy lava colour. This would be good for a sort of “Hell in Diamondus” level. In the midnight version everything has been darkened (even the sprite colours), an it has a cool wood colour for the trees. Out of these custom palettes, my favourite was the Garden version.

    This is a perfect conversion and you must download this now.

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    Neo--> 19 Aug 2008, 16:09 (edited 19 Aug 08, 16:50 by Violet CLM)



    Very cool!!
    This my favorit Tileset conversion!

    Keep it up!

    [Review changed to quick review. For more information, see Review Rules. – Violet CLM]

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    darkyb 1 Sep 2008, 19:40


    Very good tileset conversion ;)
    -The grass and the textured backround are very great maked.
    -Also this is very easy to use to make a lvl with..
    -The water is also great.
    Rating:I will give to this a 9.5 ;)

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    StarLORD 24 Jun 2010, 16:17


    time to rating…
    this tileset is a conversion TILESET but a Beta Tileset
    so nice.It’s easy to use it in making levels

    [Review changed to quick review. ~cooba]

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    SaVn 28 Sep 2015, 12:27


    Good Job!
    This is a preoem version of Diamondus, there’s five versions and two missing versions.
    The example levels is a remake of original diamondus level.
    Download? Yes!

    [Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.

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    L.S. 22 Jun 2018, 13:00


    Thanks for your tilesets and levels.
    Ah, I want to ask you something. During surfing the web, I find diambscorch.j2t. Did you make this tileset, too? I want to know who made this tileset.

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    Crusader 3 May 2005, 23:59


    this is flawless and great=D
    the main tile thingies u can flip for extra eyecandy. i dont see any tiles missing. and u aded lots of extra eyecandy.

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    Neon PSY 29 Nov 2004, 05:34


    I love this. Even though Pyro kinda didn’t make this tileset. It’s the best.

    Eyecandy: Same as the old Diamondus, but the Gems SWIRL! Very nice.

    Easy to use?: Yes, You’d have to be pretty bad to mess this one up.

    Tiles: Pyro added an extra couple of things such as more destruct blocks.

    All in all: 10.0
    Add this to your collection and have fun.

    2 of 7 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Ðx 27 Nov 2004, 18:19


    Oh man i betatested it many times and its really great!

    Very much tiles the diamonds and the background
    as in the diamondus normal things
    ar changed but its really great ( ct layer 5 )
    (Tiles – Walk )
    Great diamonds ( the unfinisht ones in jj2 ) ar
    in the wall and its really cool!

    I cant tell more but its wasome, pyro
    you really get some high ratings.

    from me a 9.0

    1 of 6 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Red Ninja 27 Nov 2004, 21:02


    Nice, Pyro! I love the LAVA one. :D

    5.0 for the well made tilesets.
    3.0 for the nice levels
    .5 for a bonus :)

    Download recommended for most people, especially people who like the diamondous tileset.

    Good job pyro!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Sticker xD 4 Feb 2007, 11:17 (edited 4 Feb 07, 12:02 by Cooba)

    It tileset as name says be roughest (heaviest) has Tileset Tileset background make well = 2.0.pkt. They are other in (to) not like player = Bloks singe 5.0.pkt. It gives for additional diamond animations = 3.0.pkt
    Good Tileset

    [Unsupported rating (10.0) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

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    Jarno vos 19 Sep 2005, 15:14

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    Odin314 27 Nov 2004, 23:36

    Very well done, condsidering you only had two small screenies to work with.

    Download recommendation.