Villain Village

  • Rating: 8.1

Reviews and comments

    The Blaziken Master 28 Nov 2004, 13:11


    Let’s rate it:

    Eye Candy:
    The eye candy is so great, but it’s not perfect, sorry! I would give the eye candy 8

    No need for enemies in a multiplayer levels, some MP levels however has it 10

    Layout: The layout isn’t bad, it isn’t good either, I would say you should have better layout, but this is really good I’m not saying that’s bad! 7.5

    Weapon Placement: There are some weapons, not too few not too many either, but I like how you put weapons in the level 6.7

    Powerups: Well, I found some powerups, there are some powerups that I didn’t noticed, but I saw a lot of them! Really good! 7.8

    MP Start: Well, there are a lot of start points, I like how you place them, there are so many, that’s really good! 8

    Music Choice: Well, the music’s choice is great choice, it’s great choice, I love this music, I’m not interested in music, but I sometimes enjoy them! 8.7

    Tileset choice: Well, good choice I would say, some people chooses a custom one but you chose this one, it’s really good choice, great work! 7.5

    Avarge Rating: 8.052= 8.1
    Download Recommand: Yes
    Make it into Server: Yes

    Edit: Since I now have the text box, I have edit the rating to higher level, it deserves that high, and to the guy that didn’t find my review helpful, please PM me and explain why you didn’t!

    1 of 10 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    the jamster 3 Jan 2006, 11:23 (edited 18 Apr 06, 10:47 by Fquist)

    yo coob its me jamster BB i will be using this in BB hostup very good level ok time to rate it

    eyecandy 9
    placement of stuff 8
    music 7
    tileset choice 7
    start pos 6.5
    background 7.2

    [Inappropiate rating (9) removal. No proper reason was given as to why the level was rated this way. – FQuist]