
  • Rating: 6

Reviews and comments

    PHT 19 Feb 2005, 13:49


    Played with: Jazz
    On difficulty: Medium
    Playing time: 20 minutes

    Starting Comments:

    This upload was left blank without review, so I clicked ‚Download’ and played.


    The concept of this level is to find crates to open doors. To get a crate, you must solve a parcours. Each has different obstacles. For example, in one you’re getting morphed to a frog and need to jump over enemies to find Eva. Another one is an airboard test, with annoying floating suckers. Overall the concept is not bad, but some things just don’t fit to a jungle, which destroyed the atmosphere. For example, why do the green leaves in the airboard test beam you back? A bad point of the level is ammo placement, on which I can be really short: There’s NO ammo. That means you have to get through the whole level with your blaster. The enemies were often placed in strategical places, but sometimes in an unfair way. In the airboard test I mentioned above I often could decide: Either get hurt by a sucker or get warped back. Overall not bad, though it could be better. Also I’ve seen most of the stuff in here before.

    Score: 6.2


    Some parts, especially the airboard thingy were freaking annoying, because they were unfair, while others like the frog parcour were pretty easy. That made the level very unbalanced. Same with enemy placement. Some enemies were placed well (=they have an advantage, but can be countered), while others were unfair. If the level was more balanced, it would’ve been more fun I think.

    Score: 5.5


    The concept was not amazingly original, but at least it’s not a standard “find teh exit and kill tha boss” level. Most things in here I have seen plenty of times before though. Nothing more to say.

    Score: 6.5


    The eyecandy was good. Not amazing, but the set was used well and I saw no tilebugs. Some more foreground stuff would’ve been nice, but it’s good the way it is. Again, nothing amazing though.

    Score: 6.7

    Fun Factor:

    The unbalancedness of the level has really hurt the fun factor, aswell as the “I’ve seen that before” effect. It was not bad, but I’ve had more fun with other levels. Nothing more to say.

    Score: 6.2


    Not bad as first level, though it really needs to be more balanced. A story would be nice too, because there was no real reason why I am doing this at all. The eyecandy was well done, though not amazing.

    The authors have asked to not to rate this too hard, but I’m rating this like everything else, otherwise it would be unfair.

    Not a bad level at all, though several things need to be improved on. Download if you like.

    Score: 6.0

    Download Recommendation: N/A

    PS: No offense, just one thing I’d like to tell you, a sentence like “Find the crates to get to the exit !!!!” looks and sounds a lot better with only one explanation mark.

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