Energia of Tubelectricity

  • Rating: 5.8

Reviews and comments

    Jo Li KMC 15 Mar 2005, 02:18


    To Violet CLM:
    Because we have you. :3

    Tubelectric. Again. This time, sped up and done in a pseudo-electronica style.

    Song Analysis:
    This song just starts off way too slow. . . Constant drums for, like, a minute and twenty seconds. . .then a barely audible bassline from there until 1:42ish. More baseline for a few more seconds. . .drums. . .Tubelectric melody. . .beat break at 2:50. . . More Tubelectric. Then finally! We get somewhere around 3:31! Unfortunately, it sounds average. Then we go back down to being quiet after that. Finally, back around to a rearrangement of some previously played stuff. And this goes on until the end. It’s pretty dull for an “Electronica” arrangement.

    Sample Analysis:
    The samples serve their purposes to the end, in this music. Not much else to say about that.

    Final Analysis:
    This is worth a download if you need some sort of background noise that isn’t going to offend anyone. It’s ten minutes long, repeatitive, and not terrible. But also not great.

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    Violet CLM 29 Nov 2004, 09:41

    why is it ALWAYS TUBELECTRIC?????????????/

    The Blaziken Master 29 Nov 2004, 13:02

    Wait a second, is this allowed? This music file doesn’t work on every JJ2 game, but J2B does, is this allowed, FQuist? Derby? Someone?
    (Bjarni, you are the ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD this music file does not work for. I’m sorry. ~Violet)
    (Well, I only do have 1.21 version my game is old! And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. And I also need to know how to update this. ~TBM)

    Did you think this was a good review? Yes/No

    Lark 3 Dec 2004, 20:25