The music is great for singleplayer lvls. It starts off quite slowly and doesn’t set the pace for battle or CTF lvls. At first I could only hear a few instruments, maybe just 1, but the more I listened the more the music came out to me. It doesn’t sound as good as music like White Hare or the other Xmas JJ tunes because the whole thing is very loud and it doesn’t sound that happy or Christmasy until about the middle and then it still sounds like…well…big drums…invading army…mushroom cloud in the horizon… lol… I don’t know! :-P I recommend DLing this music if you want something new apart from the official JJ Christmas tunes.
Hm. I like your remixes, Danyjel.
I just don’t review them because I’m not every good at reviewing musics. I’ll review this one though.
I like the beat of the song, and how you put in some jingle samples that reminded me of christmas. The song is nice to listen to, I can’t find much wrong with it. I think the beginning might’ve been delayed too long (Basically what LRK said), and there could’ve been another lead sample (Dont ask me what though, I can’t answer that off the top of my head) because some of the song sounds a bit empty.
Not my favorite remix by you, but a decent remix. 7.3, sorry if that seems a little low. Download reccomend.
Turtemple, plus jingle bells and a breakbeat.
Song Analysis:
Rather bland if you ask me. . . Repeats itself far too often and sounds a lot like the “Turtemple Remix” by Silver Fox J, but far more clashing. Not enough to hurt the ears, but enough to hurt the song itself. I like the pitch raise around 3:02.
Sample Analysis:
The samples work well enough, but the keys they’re in do not.
Final Analysis:
This is an alright download if you can ignore the clashing notes. Definately not the best work this guy has to offer, though.
Your Other Re-mixes Are Better This One Are Very Bad
(Unsupported rating (1.7) removal. What makes this bad? ~Violet)
Oh Sorry Violet I Forgot To Say How Can This Be Bad Now Look Down
The Music That You Have Made
Have One Theme ANd That Theme
Are The Same As The Others
And That Is Bad
19 Dec 2004, 16:40
Your remixes are very good, Danyjel. I enjoyed this one a lot. The only thing I really dislike about this is that it starts out really slow – it takes a while to “get into” the song. Giving up is never a good thing… keep making remixes.
I don’t really have time for a long review, but I’d also like to say congratulations on getting the 3,500th upload. ;-)
19 Dec 2004, 17:10
I also enjoy your remixes Danyjel, but I’m not sure on how to review music so I never do review your remixes. I liked Energia of Tubelectricity so much I downloaded it onto my freinds computer just so I could listen to it there. This one had a slow start but I didn’t notice it all that much. So don’t stop making remixes, theres people who like them.And even if you’re not extremely popular, you might get a cult following, and that’s just as good(if not better)
1) everybody says he never rated music
2) 7.3 means good, Blacky, thanx for it
3) Jarno, thank you for your great review!!! It’s awesome what you are able to write about one only tune! Bravo!