Radical Experiments (Laboratory Level Breakdance Remix)

  • Rating: 5.2

Reviews and comments

    MaliceX 17 Jun 2005, 05:01


    This actually sounds good to me, with the good samples, but the notation implementation is something I will pick on.

    The arrangement of the song is excellent! It’s very catchy, and something I’d listen to while fragging the (beep) out of my opponents.

    Might need some working on one or two of the samples. The cymbal crashes are kind of hit ‘too often’ which kind of adds a bit of repetitiveness.
    There’s some notations there unnecessarily transposed around near the end of the song, and throughout. (The new-age-like samples)
    If you could fix the transposition problems, I promise to change the rating! :)

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    Jo Li KMC 15 Mar 2005, 01:03

    3.7Not recommended:

    A “Lab Rat” arrangement that starts off strong, then winds down into something less substancial than the drums might lead you to believe.

    Song Analysis:
    As I said, this song starts off pretty nicely with the drums vaugely hinting to the original electronic melodies of Lab Rat. But then we hear some of the original samples and notes playing with little changes other than a raise in pitch. That builds into further chaos and insanity which gets far too busy for its own good and ends up being loud, obnoxious, and annoying. Notes clash, pitches skew, and overall, it sounds poor.

    Sample Analysis:
    As I said, notes clash, but samples seem to clash even more. There are very few parts of this song that sound good enough to make me want to listen to it more than the necessary one time I need to in order to write this review.

    Final Analysis:
    This is a good arrangement which quickly turns into something you might find in a high-energy horror film. I don’t recommend this for download unless you’re bored and feel like making your ears bleed.

    0 of 1 person found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Jarno vos 22 Jan 2005, 19:05

    This Is An Really Good Song But RAP Is Not The Music For Me Sorry It’s A Really Good Song But I Can Not Rate It.

    DoubleGJ 25 Jan 2005, 11:55

    Shh don’t spoil the suprise. ;>

    DanYjel 24 Jan 2005, 21:51

    Omg I will kill you ;p. I was only and one who was making Laboratory Level Remix and Sugar Rush remix and…