Lost Gemz, Volume II: Survivor SE v2 (Updated)

  • Rating: 9.7

Reviews and comments

    Galavant ! 22 Jul 2005, 13:08


    Yes, it is great pack! There are much actions and killing and Survive! 90% of Levels are bulid using my fauvorite tilesets, and all of them are very playful. But Anti-Jazz system are not work too good. Then I play with 4-5 players, it’s frustring to start this fun! Many of levels are too simple, but have perfect decoration!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Galana 6 Jan 2009, 19:58 (edited 6 Jan 09, 21:57 by cooba)


    Awesome pack!
    It’s difficult to survive – and this rocks! Music is really good, and eyecandy.. I love it :-P

    That’s what we all wanted. Of course, I recommend this pack.
    Perfect work. I wish to type 11.0 :-P

    [Quick review. ~cooba]

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Skele 30 Sep 2009, 09:53 (edited 30 Sep 09, 14:34 by cooba)



    [Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    sonictth 30 Jan 2005, 22:42


    Hey! I’m the first who reviews this!

    Now to the Pack:

    I find out the Levels playing all 30 of them On-line.
    When I joined the Server, It was first time i was playing these Ground Force ‘‘gaming mode’‘
    Jazz2 Levels. At the Start I saw the 3
    ’‘Out-Game’‘ Areas at the Upper Left hand corner. You
    start in a Area, wheres just a Morph Monitor for morphing to spaz. Than I have to do
    Wallklimbing in the middle of this area. (And, yes, its also the first time I have done this.)
    When you have done that, You get warped into the Area below the first, where you wait for
    all the other Players, if they are in the 2nd Area, the Host Starts the Game by smashing
    Trigger Crate, I think, and the both below the players in the 2nd Area Dissapeares, the
    Players fall into a Warp wich warps them into the

    ’‘In-Game’‘ Area: Everything is Destructible there, and you have to Survive there,
    before falling into the Warp, wichs down from you. But there can also be WArps, Left and Right
    from you. In one Level, there was also a Warp from you.
    When you fall into the Warp, you get into the
    ’‘Out’‘ Area. (You spinn around in a cube like placed Suckertubes. When everyone is
    out, the Host can start the next game by entering the End-Game Area.


    Playing these Levels was, no, IS so much fun, each of them is in its form different, an many ‘‘secret’‘
    Events were used:
    The TNT-Crate wich falls onto the Game Area, like a heavy Air Strike,
    The Beam, wich destroys many Blocks at once.

    There are great In-Game Areas!
    On of them was a High Sky Scraper (I like this Area best)
    And also used was the Icey Ground force Tileset.
    There is a High Tower in a Hell set to climb up, befor the blocks below you get destroyed by a laser beam.
    There is a 7th Lava Fall tileset using level with great eyecandy.
    There are so much good levels in this

    While Playing this BIG Ground Force Level pack online, it cames clearer and clearer
    into my Mind:
    The RESEARCH of things like this, New Gaming modes for Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Will keep the
    fun in playing this Classic and Fun game and keep Alive the Jazz2Online Community for many time longer!!!!

    This is Really amazing work!
    I hope we gonna do these Ground force Online- Games some more times.
    It was about 2 Hours and there was no minute it wasnt fun.
    So jazzers out There! If you see such a ground force Server online- Come in!
    you would be angry when missing that great new Jazz 2 Gaming Experience!!!

    Download Recommendation? Are you Stupid? OF COURSE! DOWNLOAD IT NOW!
    (I just mean, if you don’t download it here, you will download it wihle playing the levels
    online, i think you cant get around that.


    Edit: I solved the Error by myself. Now the Rating is 10!

    To all the Germans HERE:

    3 of 8 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Ragnarok! 31 Jan 2005, 21:48 (edited 11 Jul 11, 17:37)



    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Gizmaluke 1 Feb 2005, 12:13


    Best ground force pack ever.
    Eyecandy is very good.
    Music is great.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Olsen 2 Feb 2005, 18:54

    i wonder how such a big zip file that passes the size limit still be uploaded.

    DaThunderPX 16 Feb 2005, 18:48

    I can’t manage to wallclimb.

    Jarno vos 20 Feb 2005, 11:11

    I TOO!

    Ñîçk ÐR 19 Apr 2005, 20:35

    OMG WHY CAN YOU NOT EDIT YOUR OWN REVIEWS!!?? The tileset for Survivor02 isnt in the tileset pack. Other than thatits great. Download definattly recommended

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    Avarte 14 Jul 2005, 12:54

    Yea, this very cool pack, and have very good idea! A lot of variety in each other tilesets and other things. But in some moments it’s very frustring.
    (Unsupported rating removal, more detail please. ~Violet)

    BlackRabite 22 Nov 2006, 16:16

    I’m afraid that you forgot to add the Lava Lamp tileset (lava.j2t).

    Critz 19 Jun 2007, 16:47

    I found a bug in new anti-jazz system.

    If you have TNT from earlier lvls, you can easily enter as Jazz/Lori.

    Just wallclimb at right edge of room, so you won`t teleport to waiting room, plant a TNT without moving, then rapidly press left and right to teleport to waiting room as Jazz/Lori…

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    Skype 11 Feb 2005, 16:02

    Best Surviviors!
    Better than OLD!
    Congratulations Blur!!!
    (Unsupported rating (9.7) removal. What makes these the best Survivors? Especially when, you know, you’re supposedly reviewing the whole pack. Can you explain why these are good? What impressed you about them? Why? ~Violet)