Fan Orchestra

  • Rating: 5.7

Reviews and comments

    Jo Li KMC 19 Mar 2005, 06:27

    5.2Not recommended:

    > Just for fun. Not for Collin’s
    > offensive ratings…

    Nice to know I’m being thought of in your music. Awww. <3
    (He asked for it, Admins. I’m serious. He practically begged for it by putting that line in his Comments.)

    Fanolint done in techno/electronica style. Though it only somewhat sounds like Fanolint.(The pot calling the kettle black, over here, I am. XD)

    Song Analysis:
    “Orchestra”? Not quite. Not at all, in fact. The introduction has a piano and some strings in it, but it soon divulges deep into the electronica stuff we’ve come to expect from Dan here.
    Though not clearly marked, it sounds a little like Fanolint all throughout. But it seems only the first part of Fanolint.(Roughly 0:18 to 0:36 of the original song. Though the original was only 0:59 long to begin with.)

    Sample Analysis:
    Dang, boy! The samples you chose clash quite a bit in this music file, I notice. Right from the get-go at 1:00, the “blip” clashes with the strings and the electronic “whaa-whaa” sound. It clashes all the worse around 2:10 and forward. Rather offensive to the ears, in my opinion.

    Final Analysis:
    Aside from the notes that make me want to turn down the volume, this isn’t a bad arrangement. Boring, sure. Repeatitive, definately. But it’s not entirely Dan’s fault as the original was only 0:59 long, as I’d said.
    I don’t recommend this file for download due to the fact that the samples clash. Badly. With a lot of work, however, it could be a very nice music file.

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    Crusader 16 Jul 2005, 16:09


    Hehe… This isnt that bad. Although I do like the beeps. I cant say I quite like the strange BG guitar at about 30… Sounds akward. Theres a long beginning, but made it sound nice with the chords at about 4. Also I REALLY love the opening at 9 :D

    (+) Electronic style( I like elecronic)
    (+) Nice Chords
    (+) Some well chosen samples
    (-) Beginning = WAY TOO LONG
    (-) The weird guitar at 30

    DL rec… If you want…

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    Sonyk 18 Mar 2005, 22:58

    It might be nice to know what song it is. Though I know… Fanolint…

    Not bad actully. Though, I still don’t know how to really rate music.

    DoubleGJ 19 Mar 2005, 11:25

    I sense inspiration here. But I still WILL finish my piece, mwahaha. Not even JC will stop me! >]