
  • Rating: 7.3

Reviews and comments

    Jo Li KMC 19 Mar 2005, 18:44


    Told’ja all I needed was some sleep. Now I’m back in the swing and ready to kick some fuzzy green tail. :x

    Strange, strange title(un-l33ted, “Fan’lnt”?) for a pretty decent easy-listening-to-rock arrangement of Fanolint.

    Song Analysis:
    Starting out, the song doesn’t sound too much like Fanolint. In fact, it sounds more like something you might hear down in Chinatown or something.(Which isn’t a bad thing, mind you.)However, this song really begins to pick up around 2:50 when we hear added drums in the background. Around 3:50, though, all the samples playing begin to sort of clash with one another, but this only last for about fifteen seconds or so. Or maybe it just takes that long for me to adjust to the sound. Harr.
    Finally, it starts to come to a long-winded, peaceful close from 4:51 onward.(That’s almost a pattern, there. One minute off from the other two major changes.) Nice.

    Sample Analysis:
    I think that all the samples Jazz picked for this work quite nicely with one another to make both “parts” of the song(“easy listening” and “rock”) pleasing to the ears. As I said, a couple of things might need some fine-tuning, but as it is, it’s nothing terribly harmful to the song itself.

    Final Analysis:
    It’s a little dry and doesn’t sound terribly like the original Fanolint song in some parts, but overall, it’s a really nice arrangement! Some things are a wee bit out of key, but honestly, it’s nothing that would hurt the ears. Additionally, it’s definately way better than some of his older work.
    I recommend this for download because it’s a fun arrangement, dispite the keys of some of the samples.

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    DanYjel 26 Mar 2005, 19:26


    In true, it’s original. Yes, that’s the right word. Original. JSZ Jazz did something like my ElekTronique Army, he combined his theme with Robert’s Allen Jazz theme. I was doing that more than month, and I guess he wasn’t doing it much less time. My tune was pretty… electronic, his tune has to be instrumental. With some beats. And with some metal.

    I like it more than when JSZ Jazz sent it to me when he wanted to timmish his work. My style, how you apparentely know, is electronica, so you think I didn’t like it just cause of that I don’t like anything different, what’s hardly not true. I didn’t like it for its cacoharmony. Now, when I am listening it, I can hear harmony on 90 % of song, it means everywhere where is not that darn Metal Darn, what is big minus for you (from me). Without that Metal Darn was this tune dead, it’s cool how it makes it alive, but author could synthesize it with other samples.

    Now, when I am listening it again, the main thing I don’t like is repetitivity and slow tempo. Repetitivity can be good, but with combination of this 1,5 × slower tempo than in original, it’s hardly annoing. That lead melody with those slow drumloops… truly, bad. This is semi-saved by good snares and hi-hats.

    Sample choice, except hardly slow drumloops and unsynthesized metal guitar is okay, long strings sound well without any splitting of sample when repeating. Pianos are very good, background chords are just cool. Lead sample, like effects, is without any problem too.

    Rating: 6.0 + 1.0 for originality, melodies greatly fit into each other.

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