23 Mar 2005, 01:06
Well, I’m typing this review as I listen. So here we go:
Begining- Some Chinese blips, gone to Turtemple. It sounds somewhat 8-bitish, but it stops
After Sudden Halt- It picks up, theres drums, that clapping noise, overall sounds like a Hong Kong Dance Club.
Sometime After that Part-
As soon as I typed Hong Kong Dance club I began to hear a sound from JJ3 that adds to the Hong Kong Club esque theme I’m feeling. It stops feeling Asian for a short point, but it goes back. By this point I’m 2:48 in to the song.
3 Minutes Mark- Mainly what I’ve been hearing. At 3:30, begins to fade out.
My Only complaint is the Chinese/Asian sounds are too 8 bit-ish feeling, and at times I lose the Asian Vibe and it seems too techno/Night Club-ish so, based on a caculation method I made up at the last minute I’m going to give it an 8.2, here’s why:
Keeps an Asian vibe for the most part
When adding new ‘instrument’s it ussualy feels natural.
Some how still seems like Turtemple even though it used 1 theme from it.
Loses Asian feel around 2:15 for a bit
Asian sounds are a bit too 8 bittish.
I wouldn’t reccomed it for an asian level unless it was something simmilar to Downtown Tokyo, but it does make a nice listen.
A dry interpretation of the Turtemple theme done up in a dance club styling.
Song Analysis:
You’d be surprised just how empty this song can possibly sound without an actual bassline. Which it does not have. At any given point whatsoever. Definate minus points there. And given the opening sample, I almost thought this was something out of Blaster Master 2 for a brief moment. Anyone else remember that lava level? No? Okay then, nevermind.
Anyway. . . Like I said, without the bassline, it’s a little bit dry. The overall arrangement isn’t. . .well. . .arranged all that much from the original, either. It’s just the same old “dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun, dun-dun” cycled over and over again in a fast pace with about three samples. Not much to hear here, folks.
Additionally, it doesn’t really sound much like it’s Oriental. It just sounds like typical American dance music, minus the bassline.
Sample Analysis:
The samples chosen are of high quality indeed. However, it seems to me that the samples are also just a tiny bit out of tune with one another. It might just be me, though. Nothing more to say.
Final Analysis:
Wanted: One Turtemple bassline. Inquire inside. :x
Loud and hyper, but dull and boring regardless. Not particularly worth a download considering how surprisingly dry it managed to turn out.
China Turtle Temple, another turtemple mix by Danyjel.
I like what you did to the beginning, it sounds different from the original turtemple and also gives that china feel.
I really like the song at its climax (patterns 12 – 14), it sounded great there. Too bad it was only a few patterns (12 – 14 and 27 – 29).
The ending is a nice fadeout, but if you want to use the music in a jj2 level, you won’t hear the fadeout and instead the music would just keep going full volume until the last pattern and then abruptly stop and loop.
Otherwise, I like this better than Templorary Turtle. It has more of an atmosphere and I like the main beat more. A good listen, and a good download =D.