Posted more than 21 years ago
After all this time, a review for you.
Arent i the sympathetic guy:-P?
This is by far one of the hardets levels i`ve ever played. I was unable to finish it, sadly, but from what i`ve seen so far, it looks great. The design is superb, and the level is uge(and hard as heck:-]). The level uses Dats`s awesome “Plastic dreams” tileset, wich was very well used. Great kevel. Dats is elite.
~>CelL< aka Diabolico
After thousend times play:
NO, I cant finish the level…
But it looks fantastic!!
Posted more than 21 years ago
A very large level if you don’t know where to go. And a very easy level if you notice it’s got no password. But, anyway. The level uses one of the creator’s own tilesets, and so of course the tileset use is good. I don’t understand why you get all that ammo in the start. U don’t need it really. Maybe that’s why…
The level is hard mostlu because of the d*mn warps which lead you back to the place near the beginning where certain death waits. And, of course, because of the trigger zones you don’t know where they are, and because of those animated blocks behind layer three. They REALLY made me angry, because you got no hint where they were and they turned unmasked about once a hour (I know, I am a liar). This level is not really that hard if you save often, but it will anyway take a couple of months to finish. And it can’t be completed by Jazz in SP. Anyway, a good level that follows QoB’s design (triggers+warps=death)
oops, forgot… due to the restraints of 1.23 (no trigger zones), i could not convert it from 1.24.. i forgot to select 1.24 and the edit script still has a “query problem…” ;)
I don’t have the time to rate this right now either, but expect a rating from me “eventually”… ;-)
Btw, Dats, 1.23 has trigger zones.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Well nothing to add from Aiko and iCeD’s detailed reviews. (I’ll rate this soon)
Iced: it does? hmmm.. i haven’t seen them around, but i’ll go check again..
umm, anybody gonna rate this?