Muckamok (Heavy Version)

  • Rating: 5.2

Reviews and comments

    Jo Li KMC 3 May 2005, 20:32


    Muckamok done up in metal stylings. Sort of. Heh.

    Song Analysis:
    The song starts out sounding exactly like the original Muckamok, then goes off into a frenzy of metal samples. Really. . .really crappy ones. But more on that below.
    The song itself is pretty much the normal four-channel Muckamok piece with some really nice additions to it. Not just echoes, but some original stuff as well. It’s just a shame the samples chosen don’t quite work. . .

    Sample Analysis:
    Oh gods. . . This song leaps so high only to fall so darned far due to the choice in crappy samples. . . Or perhaps it’s the fact that all the samples cut out so much. Now if it were me, I’d try this again, but replace the metal samples with something else. It could still work.

    Final Analysis:
    As I said. This song would be freaking sweet with the right samples. As it is, it’s a wonderful arrangement. . .but the samples hold it back so very much! Man. . . I still recommend this, though. It’s just that neat.


    The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene. . . Joseph Collins
    Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2

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    DanYjel 25 Apr 2005, 20:41

    stup resample. i hate metal. and all the cal.

    To Haze: OMG Skaven? JJMusic? Impossible. It’s classic Allen’s style…

    Haze 26 Apr 2005, 20:21

    > Sorry for the creator or song_revenge of

    That would be Skaven/FC. I mean, it kind of said that all over the original file. :)