Word For The Future (Technoir 2005 Remix)

  • Rating: 3.5

Reviews and comments

    Jo Li KMC 3 May 2005, 20:46

    3.5Not recommended:

    Familiar with Sonic CD and it’s “Good Future”/“Bad Future” arrangements of its music? Yeah. . . That’s kind of like what this is. “Technoir Bad Future”.

    Song Analysis:
    I’m entirely not sure what to say about the arrangement of this song. It’s unique to say the least, but it’s just plain too busy for its own good. Too much going on at once. A million channels flying off at once does not always make a good song, particularly in this case.

    Sample Analysis:
    The song starts out really nicely with the weird guitarish thing in place of the normal “dumpa-dongs,” then quickly turns to pot thanks to most of the samples being out of tune with one-another. Additionally, I hear some Jazz 1 samples in there, mixed with Jazz 2 samples. Not very original.

    Final Analysis:
    Have I mentioned the volume control on ModPlug Player is too sensitive? Anyway. . . This song isn’t too thrilling to me. C’mon, man. I know you can do better’n this.


    The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene. . . Joseph Collins
    Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2

    2 of 3 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    DanYjel 3 May 2005, 09:37

    I wish you high rating for originality and overall… It’s great remix with little worse harmony…

    Pavlik: It can be played in normal WinAmp, but I hardly reccommend ModPlug Tracker or ModPlug Player (www.modplug.com) or XMPlay.

    Pavlik 6 May 2005, 06:53

    I can’t even hear it ,does somebody know in which program i can hear it?