Posted more than 21 years ago
"the MEZ 2 Doom" is a nice battle level: the design is good (i esspecially like the way the MEZ02 tileset was used) and it has lots of platforms, which makes it fluently playble. The eyecandy could need some major improvements though.
Second downfall is the music choice. The "Boss" music doesn’t fit too well for this level/tileset combination.
But overall, battle fans will like probably like this level. They should DOWNLOAD iT right NOW.
Posted more than 21 years ago
I like this doom much more then the Carrottus doom.
This level has a great design, and the weapons are placed well. As Aiko said, the music selection is not so good. Blaster had better used “M16a.mod” Or “Metal.mod”. I think, if you like battle, download it.
Nothing much to add to Aiko’s review. Has a good layout and okay eye candy (could stand a few workovers.) Weapon placement could have been easily improved. The platformish design could make for a fun battle though.
I agree, the music isn’t a great choice.
Overall, sure, download this.
Posted more than 21 years ago
This is a very nice battle level for gameplay but there are a lot of sloppy parts as noted in the above reviews.