Eyecandy: 7.5
Layer 5 and 3 used a lot, layer 6 and 7 are used, background is textured, there are waterfalls, animated diamonds, double paths. Layer 1 and 2 not used much. They can usually be used for leaves in the foreground. Layer 2 is only used for a waterfall and layer 1 for a few small trees. The holes in the ground look nice and i couldn’t find any tilebugs. Very good job!
Placement: 8.5
Ammo well placed. There is bounced and RF power-up. You can get them with gun9, but you don’t always get 50 bullets. You can easily see the toaster pu. The seeker pu is hidden in the bushes. Good amount of carrots.
Design: 8
What do I see? There are some very small dead ends (64,96 duh). There are one ways. Some paths are 1 tile wide and you can’t move much.