Well, I’ve been behind on my Rate of the Week lately so I thought I’d give one out early. Oh, I also rated how easy it was to install/download/the help file, now, too (called the install rating). It doesn’t go towards the level rating, tho. It is basically an out of three thing, with the highest rating +, then =, then -. If it is just so bad it doesn’t even deserve a rating it gets a _. Not too hard. Here goes:
First off, the new catagory. Well, the levelmaker convienently added the music file in the .zip… the one that came with JJ2. I had to sit through an extra few minutes of downloading (notice my slow modem) because of a file I already had. Marked off heavily just for that. The installation itself went smoothly, though, thankfully. On the other hand, though, the .txt file was brief, had no information about the level and was more of a plea to me on how to do “hollow stuff” than to help me or give me any information even remotely useful.
Ick. Just eminates the feel of rushing. At least the background was original, and at least he tried to put out eyecandy, but it didn’t really put together smoothly. Not alot to say here, except “NEEDS WORK”.
Ooh, it hurts here. Bad design for a battle level with crates… just to get to useless TNT?!?!? Powerups were littered everywhere, and it looked like a mess. The layout itself wasn’t too bad except the carrot placement sucked and it needed to be smoothed out in a few places to be adequate for a Battle level.
WEAPONS: 0.2/2
Eminated cruddiness, as said before, but surprisingly it didn’t feel that bad. Probably because the effort was there. Effort is what really counts here(to some extent, heheh), so that’s why it’s fairly graded high here.
Closing Remarks: I’m sorry, but this is definitely not worth your download. A bit of the trouble was lack of experience with JCS (“how do you do hollow stuff?”), but that doesn’t make it any better. Heck, this is worse than my first level, and that thing SUCKED. Ironically, it’s not as boring, but at least mine was PLAYABLE. Nice try, but really, I think you should have kept this as a test level and put your resources into a project the public would actually want to play.