Bleh, what a poorly constructed pack. However, for first levels there are somewhat nice, but to be fair I must rate these as I would any SP level (pack).
None. I remember someone saying the Forgotten Gems pack was just a bunch of levels loosely strung together. Quite simply, this pack is the same, only being connected by a ‘Next level’ option in the JCS, and not a weak storyline. From the first few levels you’d guess that Ilus is some random dude who has lots of lands and Jazz/Spaz/Lori must go and stop some turtle infestation.
Bare minimum, and some tiles just seem to be tossed in( See: Randomly animated blocks that aren’t there for any real apparent reason in the Tubelectric level)
Repetive, Repetive, repetive. Fight enemies, collect a HUGE ammount of goodies, enter a coin warp, rinse wash, repeat. However the Easter level was actually pretty fun, bringing this from a 3 to a 4.
Enemies in logical, predictable places, too many goodies(I must of gotten 5 sugar rushes at times when I didn’t need them), and sometimes coins seem tossed in just for no reason(Example: the ice level, if there was a working bonus warp, I never found it). However I stopped playing at the beach level(It simply got too boring), so it might have gotten better. Also, some levels have Bosses in rather dull arenas.
None, it’s so incredibly easy, the only way the levels would pose a challenge is if you can’t hurt anything.
Final Score-3.3/10
Verdict- Not bad for a first level pack, but compared to the average SP level, it is very poor.
Download Reccomendation? No, not yet anyhow. Wait until this person becomes very good or average at level making, then download this to see how far they have come. Otherwise, steer clear of this.
Co-op? No. A second player wouldn’t add much to the expereice.