3.Lost Town

  • Rating: 7.4

Reviews and comments

    Ense6 18 Nov 2005, 23:55


    First, I’m going to rate your level, then I’m going to explain a few things about ‘wrong rating’.

    Your level was quite good, I just saw two bad things(1 which not anyone finds bad).
    I think the music sucks with this level and it was too many floating platforms and too less real land.
    I give it a 76%

    And now, about wrong rating.
    My level, “Holy Gardens”, DID have hidden passages, and if you opened your eyes, there was much eye candy. And tell me where you saw those tile errors.

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    .Nose.Soft. 19 Nov 2005, 08:14


    Ok, firstually, it’s a well done level.
    And like Ense said, the music doesn’t fit on it good, but it’s not a big problem.
    And there is a eyecandy bug. you can see the
    backround under the palms. And sometimes some places are little too.. empty or something, don’t know. without the palm bug, eyecandy is good. Well done. i think you deserve a 7.2!

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    fearofdark 19 Nov 2005, 11:41 (edited 19 Nov 05, 12:05)

    NOTE FOR Ense6:

    I will tell you where eyecandy bugs are. I will replay your levels and try to look for hidden passages.

    EDIT: I have now edited my review and improved your rating.