Good :D There’s caves and plants. The level does look a little bit empty at a few places, but most part has eyecandy :D
Really good. The level flows and there are a few dead ends, but most of those are filled with goodies or a warp to a goodie. there are a few obstacles which slow the player down (Stomp-Block/Destructoblock) which is good. Copters might be a problem for Lori players, since Lori can’t use copters.
Weapons: Nicely placed. There is enough ammo for lots of players (Played in server :D). There’s only ice, which practically is useless in battle :S
Bugs: Copter for Lori (Not a big deal though) and a little more eyecandy. That’s it.
Comment overall level: Great! I recommend you download it, or buy pie. Take the 8 :D