Funky Punky Beach...

  • Rating: 7.5

Reviews and comments

    fearofdark 15 Dec 2005, 19:49


    Firstly, this level is a demo and not sure if these are allowed.

    EYECANDY: 14/20

    The eyecandy in this level is good for the backround. You didn’t make the textured backround move which make the level boring. You missed the oppertunity to add foreground eyecandy which gives the level more detail. Instead there is no foreground eyecandy which leaves the level boring. Overall, layers 5, 6 and 7 are OK but layer 8 doesn’t move and the foreground layers have no eyecandy.

    GAMEPLAY: 16/20

    The gameplay in the level is not bad. There are some features such as the shell where you have to go under it and ends normal with a boss. Most of the level is in water which is good but haveing the uterus boss underwater make the level harder and as if its ‘blocking the exit’. The bonus warp appears to early which limits the amount of coins and doesn’t give the coins an opportunity to space out. Overall, the gameplay is suitable but there is room for improvement.

    ENEMIES: 17/20

    The enemy placement is OK. There is water which opens up an opportunity for fish. There are crabs aswell and the level ends with a boss. There is not a completely wide range of enemies in the level but some enemies are sometimes overused.

    ITEMS: 14/20

    Like I said about the bonus warp being placed to early it scrunches the coins up. There is alot of freeze ammo and nothing else so that is a downside. You have overused the carrots. In a full sized level there should be a maximum of 4 or 5 carrots depending on the size. Overall, there are too many carrots and one type of ammo.

    OTHERS: 15/20

    The level is small but that is all. (Hey that rhymes:))


    Demo sized -1

    TOTAL SCORE: 75/100


    I might be overrating but rules are rules.

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    Arti 10 Dec 2005, 11:40

    I played this, but I won’t give a rating. I don’t know if this really counts as a ‘demo’ since it IS a whole level, but you DO call it a Demo. These aren’t allowed.

    Justto tell, there are a lot of carrots. This makes it way too easy. Also, with the shell with the secret entrance, remove that text. It just kinda ruins searching, it just is straight one way. Above the shell are those 2 wood thingies, but you can get stuck in there! Try to fix it ;) If the rest is like this easy, try to make it harder. EYecandy was not bad but not super good either. It was a little bland. Good luck with your pack though!

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    Devil boy 23 Dec 2005, 19:19 (edited 23 Dec 05, 22:20 by Violet CLM)

    nbr len mnyksss bölüm olum helal ossun devam et bak on veriom daha çok çalış hadi göriiim seni lebronum
    (Rating (10) removal. I don’t know what you said but it’s not long enough to be a supported review anyway.)