A fresh Holiday Hare adventure since Epic is too busy not making one. Heck I doubt they’re even making an xmas Unreal Tournament level pack.
Anyways, Holiday Hare 05 has you on Holidaius on a mission to track down Bilsy and his holiday terrorists.
Each level has it’s own spefific puzzle or challenge.
One level has you hunting down Silver crates ala a small segment in Holiday Hare 98. Another has you battling a snow storm while trying to complete the level.
Unfourtantly, the enemy placement seems lacking. Some areas seem content by tossing tons of baddies at your face, while others just leave around a raven or two and call the job done.
While we’re talking about baddies, the boss fight with Bilsy is a real downer. You may feel tempted to use the tunnel at the left, but its really useless and will just get yourself killed. And thats the problem, without the tunnel thing, the arena is just a small, flat one. I was able to outrun fireballs easily, and if you know how to make Bilsy disappear before he fires at you then the knowledge make the fight more easy and boring.
Despite the enemy shortcomings, it is incredibly fun solving the puzzles and overcoming nature’s obstacles. The only level that didn’t really deliver a lot of fun puzzle/challenge-wise was ‘Bilsy’s Lair’ which was essentially a fetch quest.
While some would want longer levels, I don’t mind the shortness. Mainly because if the levels were longer they would all feel like a one-trick pony respectivly.
Since you’re not going to get an Official Xmas pack from Epic, and it seems Odin’s pack is currently the only choice for new Christmas levels this year, Holiday hare 05 is a reccomended download. Also it’s not half bad of a pack so yuo should download it anyways.