21 Jan 2006, 19:27
Swimming in acid is not advised.
This tileset has three main floor/wall types. The first one consists of green plants, with some red and blue gems, the second type consists of (brown) rocks, and the third type can be described as some kind of wooden tubes. If you want, these three types can be easily mixed together, because there are lots of connection tiles in the tileset.
There’s enough eyecandy in the tileset, there’s a textured background but you can also use a starfield as layer 8 background. You can use water or acid as layer 6/7 background, and there also is a nice layer 4 background. There also is an acid-fall and a sword-in-a-rock.
The tileset contains hurting electricity/fire, poles, hooks, vines, signs, tubes, water block and even a fooruman with a bowler hat (omg). The only thing I’m missing is destruct blocks. Ok, there are buttstomp blocks, star blocks, ?-blocks and empty blocks, but no weapon-specific blocks or countdown blocks.
This tileset is pretty easy to use and contains lots of different tiles. There’s also a night version of the set. Sadly there’s no example level, but I think you’ll get more original levels because of this. I think I’ll help with LMAT February.
Do I Like It: 5/6
Eyecandy: 5/6
Event Tiles: 5/6
User Friendlyness: 5/6
Rating: 8.5
Nice Job to all of you! (Yes, my English sucks)
Ya, it’s good I guess. There doesn’t seem to be much you can do with it. It’s nice that you can make lava, and acid lvls with this set, but that is basicly the only special tiles that come with this package.
The tiles that do come with it are very detailed, and look nice, but I think it’s just too far away from the cartoon graphics that Jazz looks natual in.
I downloaded this because of “Did you know?” at the home page of the website, and I got to say, I’m disappointed that this is all that was made in 5 monuths by 16 people.
Now again, what is made is arwsome, no doubt, but there should be more in each tileset.
Keep it up tho.
I always looked at this tileset and thought that it has completely no theme. But upon working with it for a while, I discovered that actually it also has no usability. Some good art, but not put together well. Tons of tiles are missing, some don’t appear to have any use, and their placement in the set makes no sense.
4 Jan 2006, 23:00
Perfect, now people can stop whining about it. And I can stop whining about the whiners.
It is finished!
Well done to those who helped.
Now to get ideas for LMAT Feburary.
I’ll be helping! :D
(Unsupported rating (7.7) removal. ~Violet)
Well, it wouldn’t let me post if I didn’t rate it…
What happened to the example level?
Glad to hear that its finally uploaded!
thanx cooba!
I’m forgotten! \o/
But, on a more serious note, the tileset rocks and is certainly worth downloading.
11 Dec 2009, 04:23
this tileset havent some tiles…